Author: Staff

  • The Irishman Didn’t Kill Jimmy Hoffa by Vince Wade

    The Irishman Didn’t Kill Jimmy Hoffa by Vince Wade

    Investigative Reports by Vince Wade


    Vince Wade with Bob Garrity
    Vince Wade Reporter Vince Wade interviewed retired FBI agent Bob Garrity about the Hoffa investigation for a special report on the 20th anniversary of the disappearance of former Teamsters president Jimmy Hoffa. The interview was in front of the restaurant where Hoffa was last seen. (Photo from video by WJBK-TV Fox2, Detroit)

    “Martin Scorsese’s new gangster film epic, “The Irishman” would seem to be a slam-dunk winner. It has an all-star cast, featuring Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci. It showcases state-of-the-art special effects which have “de-aged” De Niro and Pacino. And Scorsese is widely regarded as one of the best directors in Hollywood. But the film has one big problem. The film story line is not true.” – Vince Wade

    Read Vince Wade’s full commentary – Originally published November 24, 2019.


  • Trump’s Healthcare Disaster

    A recent Gallup poll has found that in the United States, the share of people stating that they are insecure about the cost of their medication is rising. In January of this year, 18.9 percent of respondents said there was a time over the previous 12 months when their household was unable to pay for medicine or drugs prescribed by their doctor and that increased to 22.9 percent in September 2019. The report also found that 13 percent of U.S. adults – 34 million people – say they know of someone who had died because he or she was not able to pay for medical treatment. 1

    Infographic: The Urgency Behind America's Healthcare Cost Crisis | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista
  • My Name is Vince Wade

    My Name is Vince Wade

    Investigative Reports by Vince Wade

    Delusional Donald
    Vince Wade

    “A perceptive, smart-ass newspaper columnist named H.L. Mencken made that prediction in 1920, nearly a century ago. Unfortunately, he was right. We have a pathological liar and narcissistic moron in the Oval Office [Trump 2016-2020]. He admires ruthless dictators. He lies as a way of life. He is one grand jury away from criminal indictment when he leaves office. We don’t know when that may be, because he’s being investigated for possible articles of impeachment for what appears to be a gangster-like shakedown of the President of Ukraine.” – Vince Wade

    Read Vince Wade’s full commentary – Originally published November 15, 2019.


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  • Adobe Bridge Crashes on Startup

    We have experience many crashes using Adobe Bridge 2019 and 2010. Extremely frustrating even when using some of the techniques offered by Adobe themselves on their website.

    We came across an Internet posting by Jim Doty, Jr. on his website that “seems” to do the trick for us. It appears he found this technique somewhere using a Google search, but we’ll give Jim the credit for at least finding this.

    Immediately (and I mean immediately) after pressing the icon for Adobe Bridge, press the Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows) or Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS). IF a window shows up (in case it didn’t), his post suggests “Select all three options – Reset Preferences, Reset Standard Workspaces, and Purge Entire Thumbnail Cache – and then click OK.”

    In our case, Bridge just started doing the indexing thing and we were back up and running after about 30 minutes while Bridge re-indexed a network drive. We are a Windows shop, so I’m unclear if this would work on Mac OS.