Author: Staff

  • Mackinac Bridge Dive Trip – The Michigan Sea Snoopers – July 1991

    The Michigan Sea Snoopers traveled the many corners of the Great Lakes seeking all types of adventures. Diving the shipwrecks around the Mackinac Bridge and Island always made a great outing.

  • Twenty Six Degrees and Dropping – January 1, 1991

    Every year the Michigan Sea Snoopers join with other club to celebrate the New Year by floating down the St. Clair River just south of Port Huron, Michigan.  After the River Float we all take turns jumping into the icy cold waters of the Great Lakes.


  • Does This Remind You of “45”?

    A 1940’s Dr. Seuss political cartoon criticized Americans for not caring about the deaths of foreign children. [1]

    It sounds like history is repeating itself with our current administration and their attitude toward DACA, the Dreamers.  Notice the words on the lady’s sweater.

    One prominent rumor accurately held that Anne Frank was one of many Jewish children denied entry to the United States in the early stages of World War II, and as a result she (like others) died in the Holocaust. [1]

    Dr. Seuss - Immigration Cartoon
    Published in PM Magazine – October 1, 1941


    1. Snopes, Fact Check, November 23, 2015, and January 27, 2018
    2. The Atlantic, January 31, 2017, Sophie Gilbert – The Complicated Relevance of Dr. Seuss’s Political Cartoons – The children’s author’s early works have been finding a new audience among those opposed to the “America First” policies of President Trump.
  • The Leap: How 3 Simple Changes Can Propel Your Career from Good to Great [Kindle Edition]

    By Rick Smith

    The Leap by Rich Smith
    The Leap by Rich Smith – Available from

    Have you ever asked yourself, “Is this it?”

    Maybe you’re trapped in a dead-end job that you’re afraid to leave. Or maybe you already have a good job-one that gives you room to grow and exercise your talents-but you don’t really feel like you’re doing your best work. Your life is plain vanilla, yet you know in your heart that you can be a triple scoop banana split. You just don’t know how to make that leap.

    So what do you do?

    Rick Smith knows firsthand what it’s like to feel stuck in a career rut. He worked in a midlevel job where he had modest success. Then his life took an unexpected turn and he found himself creating a business that became successful beyond his wildest dreams. He unlocked a level of performance he did not know he had in him. After all, Smith was just a regular guy who didn’t like to take chances or even step outside his comfort zone. But as he found out, those qualities don’t have to be stumbling blocks. In fact, they’re two of the keys to making the leap from good to great.

    And after talking to others who had also transformed their careers from mundane to magnificent, he realized that the secret doesn’t lie with some mysterious talent, trait, or affinity for risk. And it certainly doesn’t require you to quit your job and start from scratch. Rather, it lies with your ability to harness your true strengths and passions-what Smith calls your Primary Color.

    • You’ll meet remarkable people who’ve made the leap, such as:
      A soft-spoken middle manager who transformed her company, her industry, and her career with a simple-yet groundbreaking-idea.
    • A door-to-door fax machine saleswoman who became a global fashion mogul after developing her own line of women’s apparel.
    • A Florida shrimp farmer who became a globally recognized genetics expert after both of his sons were diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder.
    • A software designer who became a leading advocate for the homeless after volunteering part time at a local shelter and realizing his true calling.

    Through powerful anecdotes, lessons from brain science, and tools for self-assessment, Smith shows how, with the right amount of passion, determination, and three simple steps, anyone can make the leap to a more successful and fulfilling life.

  • Most Americans Don’t Want the Wall

    Brick Wall - Border WallCan you imagine what 80 billion dollars can do to provide infrastructure for the United States, improve electronic surveillance of our borders, hire additional manpower for security, etc.

    Of course, Mexico WILL NOT pay for it.  Don’t fool yourself.

    People who leave near the border don’t want it. [1]



    “If we have to close down our government,” President Trump said at his rally in Phoenix on August 22, 2017, “we’re building that wall.”

    1., November 22, 2016 – Americans who live near border say Trump’s wall is unwelcome
    2. Pew Research Center, February 24, 2017 – Most Americans continue to oppose U.S. border wall, doubt Mexico would pay for it
    3. Think Progress, April 6, 2017, Esther Yu His Lee – Majority of Americans oppose funding Trump’s border wall – The wall likely won’t stretch ‘sea to shining sea.’