“Governor” Mike Pence (R-IN) in an interview on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos.
Eight times he refused to say if he opposed discrimination against gays and Lesbians.
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“Governor” Mike Pence (R-IN) in an interview on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos.
Eight times he refused to say if he opposed discrimination against gays and Lesbians.
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A major artery into and from the City of Maricopa to the metro Phoenix area is one of the most dangerous roads in the State of Arizona.
Speeders: It’s not unusual to see people going over and estimated 100 miles per hour weaving in/out of traffic. Very little traffic control because of lack of enforcement personnel.
Southbound at Riggs: Trucks and cars use right should to make right turns driving down the right should for at least a mile.
Northbound at Cement Plant: Trucks don’t stop when making a right turn (north) on AZ 347 even when they have a red light. Although, there is an acceleration lane, cars slam on their brakes thinking they are turning in front of them. Trucks should always make a stop before making a right turn on red.
Riggs Light Remaining Red: Even with no cross traffic, Riggs stays Green for as long as 43 seconds without traffic backing up cars going north and/or south bound on 347.
The nightmare of AZ 347
This is very important especially for individuals and small business trying to survive in this technological age.
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My wife, who directs a foster care and adoption agency, recently taught a class to would-be foster parents. She was discussing some of the challenges and difficulties that come with being a foster parent when one of the people attending the class raised her hand and said, “We do not want to have our life be as easy as it can be. We are interested more in having a purpose in life than in being comfortable.” What this person was saying that being comfortable does not add meaning to our life, but having a purpose that we’re committed to does. I know far too many people who opt for comfort and take the easy way out and then wonder why their life is boring and without meaning. This is why one of my mantras has always been, “Never take the easy way out because there’s little or no reward (tangible or otherwise) and you miss out on an opportunity to add meaning to your life.”
Credo Action writes:
Republicans attack abortion rights whenever and wherever they can. Right now, it is through the Trump Tax Scam.
It is not enough that the bills moving through Congress would make deep cuts to the social safety net and raise taxes on middle- and lower-income families – all while giving Trump and his wealthy friends trillions in handouts. They would also strike an intentional blow to abortion rights by enshrining the language “unborn child” into the federal tax code. [2]
Senate Democrats must push back on this attack on women with everything they’ve got. They should be calling out Republicans’ attempt to inject anti-abortion politics into the tax code and pledging to block any tax bill that contains the unborn child provision. If we speak out now, we can make sure this issue does not get lost among all the other horrible things in the tax scam. Can you add your name today?
The article closes with a challenge:
Senate Democrats, along with any Republican with a conscience who cares more about women than party politics, must shut this latest attempt down. Help make sure they know we are expecting them to stand strong for women’s rights and block right-wing Republican extremists’ sneak attack on abortion.