Author: Staff

  • Are You Due Missing Money?

    Many business and institutions can’t find you.  They then turn this money over to the state rather than keep it.  Use Google to search for “escheated property” and a state name.  Some states are holding over 8 billion dollars in unclaimed cash.

  • Obamacare is the Law of the Land – Open Enrollment 11/1 thru 12/15

    Consumers who buy health insurance through the Affordable Care Act marketplace must choose a plan between Nov. 1 and Dec. 15, meaning they have less time than before. The Trump administration pared the open enrollment window from 90 days down to 45 days. [1]


    1., November 1, 2017, Ken Alltucker – ‘Obamacare’ sign-ups begin Wednesday: What you should know

  • Doing nothing is unacceptable

    GunsLess than a month ago, we watched the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history in Las Vegas—one of more than 360 mass shootings in 2017 alone.

    Thoughts and prayers aren’t enough. Now is the time to act. Say you’ll join the team that’s working for common-sense gun policies.

    Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) says:

    Three weeks ago, we watched the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history unfold in Las Vegas.

    We know what comes next — day after day of watching the gun lobby and their friends in Congress follow their empty, tired playbook:

    Thoughts and prayers. “Now is not the time.” And then … nothing.

    It’s what they told us after Orlando, and Virginia Tech, and San Bernardino, and Aurora, and after each of the 364 mass shootings in 2017 alone.

    It’s what they told parents in Newtown.

    And if this cruel, horrible pattern has made you cynical, I don’t blame you. It’s easy to watch it play out, time after time, and think that we can’t change things.

    Big social change takes time and effort, and we’re already making real progress.

    We’ve passed referendums on state ballots to tighten gun laws. We’ve elected members of Congress who care deeply about the issue. And an overwhelming majority of Americans support common-sense legislation — things like universal background checks and limiting access to assault weapons.

    90 percent of Americans are behind us. Our democracy doesn’t allow for elected officials to be so far out of step with the views and values of their constituents for very long.

    But it’s up to us to make sure: We need to talk to our families, friends, and neighbors. To attend rallies and make noise, online and offline. To make a small difference in the local and national conversation, every single day.

    So don’t give up. Let’s work harder. [2]


    1. Organizing for Action
    2. Senator Chris Murphy

  • Tax Reform – What the Republicans are proposing should scare you to “Death”.

    You as a middle income tax payer will be paying more while the wealthy line their pockets.


    1. The Washington Post, October 26, 2017
  • Black Cherry Fruit Extract

    Amazing little supplement that may help with:

    • Gout
    • Inflammation
    • Leg Cramps

    Why?  This extract is rich in antioxidants.  For the person who doesn’t drink enough water or doesn’t have a complete diet rich in foods that contain antioxidants, this supplement may provide some relief.


    1. Purchase Suggestion