AMC Theater Chain Scheduled to Promote Hate and Violence
“Insurrectionist pastor Greg Locke — a frequent speaker and even host of Michael Flynn’s anti-democracy ReAwaken America megachurch tour — is releasing a movie he claims will help people cast out the “demons” that supposedly cause homosexuality, feminism, and Catholicism.
It’s a hateful, bigoted premise on its face. Yet multiple mainstream movie theater chains plan to promote “Come Out In Jesus Name,” helping Locke spread his twisted brand of faith.
Locke has made a name for himself through his over-the-top demonstrations of aggression and bigotry –– praying with the Proud Boys, going to Washington for January 6, burning books, throwing mask-wearing worshipers out of church, preaching that Christians can’t be Democrats, and accusing women in his congregation of witchcraft.
Now, Locke wants to take his warped version of Christianity mainstream — and unfortunately, several big corporations are lining up to help him do so. On March 13, well-known movie theater chains including AMC, Cinemark, Regal and more will deliver Locke’s deadly message to theater-goers across the country, even broadcasting a live “deliverance” session with Locke after the film.” 1