Author: Staff

  • Art Fettig: Hymn Sing

    Hymn SingHymn sing. Yes, at our little church on a recent Sunday Morning we celebrated a good old fashioned Hymn Sing. No sermon. No preachin’. It was truly a blessed event because music is a powerful way to convey the Lord’s word. I was truly moved by this blessing. Barbara Younger, the organizer and leader of our Hymn Sing is a gifted author who does wonderful Conversations With The Children. For this Hymn Sing she enlisted the support of many talented members to lead the various segments of this service, with the addition of a marvelous organist and choir director Scott Schlesinger, a fantastic choir, and an active singing congregation. Our inspired children’s choir singing “Moses Saw The Burning Bush” directed and accompanied on the guitar by the composer of this number, Christine Jackle provided an energetic start. For me one of the most inspiring times was when Carolyn Norris invited us to close our eyes and listen to the reading of Psalm 145:8-14 by men of our congregation.  Seated at different locations throughout our church about five different voices read short segments of the Psalm. It was well organized and it flowed and I felt truly a part of this powerful rendition. In the call for praise the leader read: “For the poets and composers throughout the ages who wrote the hymns we sing today.” And the people responded, “Thanks be to God!” And as I add this event to my Wonderful Memories list I too add “For all of those who made this such a memorable spiritual blessing for me and I add, Thanks be to God.

    May God bless America in these challenging times and bring us world peace.



  • Hissong, Ken

    Ken posted on Facebook (March 23, 2011), “Believe this or not, Ladd Carleton and I shot the last film story to ever appear on 7. Nye sent me out to do soundbites (producers were members of AFTRA then) because we were so short of “real” reporters.”


    1. Facebook
  • “It’s Over”: Couples in Lawsuit Elated

    Arizona Republic writes, “Clark Rowley had already settled behind his desk at work Friday morning when a e-mail arrived from a familiar Phoenix law office.”[1]


    1. Arizona Republic, October 18, 2014, Shawn McKinnon – “It’s over”: Couples in lawsuit elated – Challengers of Arizona’s statute express joy, relief (PDF Page 5A)

  • Outside Courthouses, a Flurry of Weddings

    Arizona Republic writes, “Karen Bailey and Nelda Majors, a couple for nearly 57 years, were among the first to get a marriage license Friday in downtown Phoenix after a federal judge ruled that Arizona must allow same-sex couples to marry.” [1]


    1. Arizona Republic, October 18, 2014, Anne Ryman – outside courthouses, a flurry of weddings (Scene) (PDF Page 1A, PDF Page 6A)
  • A Day to Celebrate

    Arizona Republic writes, “The history of the United States is one of expanding rights, and basic civil rights have been given to same-sex couples.” [1]


    1. Arizona Republic, October 18, 2017 – A day to celebrate (Institution of marriage stronger now – Horne won’t appeal; same-sex couples can create lasting, legal unions) (PDF Page 1A, PDF Page 5F)