Author: Staff

  • Learning about God’s love from hooking up by Brian G. Murphy

    Learning about God’s love from hooking up by Brian G. Murphy


    For too many of us, sex was something to be avoided or ashamed of (despite living in a culture telling us how much we should be having and how awesome it should be).

  • The Queer God by Marcella Althaus-Reid

    The Queer God by Marcella Althaus-Reid

    The Queer God Available from

    There are those who go to gay bars and salsa clubs with rosaries in their pockets, and who make camp chapels of their living rooms. Others enter churches with love letters hidden in their bags, because their need for God and their need for love refuse to fit into different compartments. But what goodness and righteousness can prevail if you are in love with someone whom you are ecclesiastically not supposed to love? Where is God in a salsa bar?

    The Queer God introduces a new theology from the margins of sexual deviance and economic exclusion. Its chapters on Bisexual Theology, Sadean holiness, gay worship in Brazil and Queer sainthood mark the search for a different face of God – the Queer God who challenges the oppressive powers of heterosexual orthodoxy, whiteness and global capitalism. Inspired by the transgressive spaces of Latin American spirituality, where the experiences of slum children merge with Queer interpretations of grace and holiness, The Queer God seeks to liberate God from the closet of traditional Christian thought, and to embrace God’s part in the lives of gays, lesbians and the poor.

    Only a theology that dares to be radical can show us the presence of God in our times. The Queer God creates a concept of holiness that overcomes sexual and colonial prejudices and shows how Queer Theology is ultimately the search for God’s own deliverance. Using Liberation Theology and Queer Theory, it exposes the sexual roots that underlie all theology, and takes the search for God to new depths of social and sexual exclusion.

  • Radical Love: Introduction to Queer Theology

    Radical Love: Introduction to Queer Theology

    LGBTQ+ Introduction to Queer Theology

    Radical Love: Introduction to Queer Theology Available from

    Queer theology is more than LGBT people talking about God, according to Cheng, professor at Episcopal Divinity School and ordained minister in the Metropolitan Community Church. The real enterprise for queer theology is challenging binary distinctions and erasing boundaries. This erasure is made possible (indeed demanded) by the radical love espoused by Christianity. Through this love, all boundaries (gay/straight, male/female, life/death, divine/human) are dissolved. – Publishers Weekly

  • An Oasis of Calm in Our Hectic World by Ross Reck

    An Oasis of Calm in Our Hectic World by Ross Reck


    I came across a story on Facebook about Jumbo, a Netherlands based supermarket chain. The company introduced a slow checkout line in some of its stores—referred to as a Kletskassa or “chat checkout”—when it discovered that some customers are not in a rush and would enjoy talking to the cashier while paying for their groceries. According to the story, this added personal touch is helping many people, especially the elderly, deal with loneliness. The move has proven so successful that Jumbo has installed slow checkout lines in 200 of its stores. Jumbo has also introduced a “chat corner” where local residents can gather for a cup of coffee and some conversation. This is a wonderful example of a business that’s concerned about making a difference in the lives of its customers.

  • Why Florida is Sinking into the Dark Ages

    Why Florida is Sinking into the Dark Ages

    Broken Florida

    Eliminating Diversity and Inclusion

    “Tuesday’s announcement was foreshadowed in December when the governor’s office asked all state universities to account for all of their spending on programs and initiatives related to diversity, equity and inclusion or critical race theory.” 1

    Fascism, Burning Books, and Banning What Your Children Read

    “It’s not just the ridiculous “Stop W.O.K.E. Act” or restrictions on discussing issues of gender and sexuality in early grades or last week’s decision not to allow an Advanced Placement African American Studies course to be taught in Florida high schools. Governor Ron DeSantis’s crusade against independent thought is leading to bare bookshelves in classrooms as teachers panic about whether their own classroom libraries violate state law.” 2