WXYZ: TV engineering, video tape supervisor.
Author: Staff
Dumon, Lou
Art Fettig: Storms and Sentiments
But remember, Irma has the right to change her mind.
Sitting here in our peaceful home located in Hillsborough, North Carolina half way between the Blue Ridge mountains and the Atlantic Ocean watching weather reports recently as I have gone through varying degrees of interest. Although I possess some love and concern for all Americans I am especially concerned with the safety and good health of my family. Especially me.
When Hurricane Irma was classified as a Cat 5 headed for Miami and predicted to hit Georgia and South Carolina and North Caroline my ears pricked up. I turned to the 24 hour weather news and followed Irma’s progress. Hour by hour I checked in for the latest news. It was late when I finally went to sleep Thursday night and on Friday when I awoke around 10:30 a.m. my wife, Jean said, “The predictions have changed. Irma is expected to march through Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and on to an extended path toward Missouri as she weakens. If she does we will just get a lot of rain, maybe. But remember, Irma has the right to change her mind.”
My interest waned. I thought of that quote that goes something like, “It all depends on whose ox is being gored.” I turned and thought, “It all depends on whose state is being battered.” and then on to “Whose home is being flooded or blown away.” To, “What’s the matter with you Art, can’t you feel pain and concern and compassion for all of God’s creatures?” So I shut off my computer and went upstairs to ride my stationary bicycle and pray for all humankind.
Saunders, Megan
WXYZ: TV news producer
- Just a Part of the Newsroom Team
- Always A Busy Day in the Old Newsroom of WXYZ
- WXYZ Reunion 2013 – Megan Saunders, Larry Paulus, Barry Cutler
Megan Saunders, Larry Paulus, Barry Cutler – 2013 Reunion Collection from Vivian Hoze
Megan Saunders, Larry Paulus, Barry Cutler – 2013 Reunion Collection from Vivian Hoze
- WXYZ News Show Producers – Andrea Parquet and Megan Saunders
- Just a Part of the Newsroom Team
Ducey, Joe
KNXV: Consumer reporter.
WXYZ: TV investigative reporter.
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