I saw the following quote on Facebook, and I think it’s an excellent way to determine what kind of day you’ve had: “If you can lie down at night, knowing in your heart that you made someone’s day just a little bit better, you know you had a good day.” It doesn’t take much to make someone’s day better—a smile, a kind word, a hug, a compliment or just listening to what another person has to say. If you do these simple but caring things, you’ll not only make the world a better place, but you’ll feel better about yourself and sleep better as well.
Franklin Graham: Stop the homophobic attacks on Amy Grant and her family
“Contemporary Christian music icon Amy Grant recently announced that she and her husband Vince Gill will host their niece’s same-sex wedding on their Tennessee farm — a beautiful act of pro-LGBTQ affirmation from an artist whose music means so much to so many American Christians.
Of course, the religious right simply couldn’t let that news pass without responding with anger and bigotry.
Right-wing evangelist Franklin Graham immediately denounced Grant on social media, threatening Grant’s niece with an eternity in hell and accusing Grant of compromising on “the authority of God’s Word.” As usual, Graham’s words only served to inspire yet more hatred in others, with comments pouring in calling Grant a “disappointment” who “needs help.”
Love is love, no matter what Franklin Graham says — and social justice Christians can’t just sit back and let powerful members of the religious right rake Amy Grant over the coals for supporting her niece and her relationship.
Let’s make it clear to Franklin Graham and the religious right that tens of thousands of Christians support Grant’s Christ-like expression of love and LGBTQ acceptance.” 1
Bye, bye Jennifer Wright the controversial head of the Arizona Attorney General’s Election Integrity Unit.
“Jennifer Wright, who publicly supported right-wing candidates and then used her office to investigate their election losses, was removed from her position this week, according to the Attorney General’s Office. In one of her first official acts, newly elected Attorney General Kris Mayes told Wright to resign or be fired, her office confirmed Wednesday.” 2
“In a local television interview, an apoplectic Lake said that Santos’s success and her failure “show that not all liars are treated equally in the United States of America.”” 3
“Resplendent with home town images and themes, especially as it is performed by the iconic Kate Smith, the carol was written during a very difficult time when American soldiers were engaged in another foreign war. Stan Zabka, along with Don Upton, another ex-GI, wrote Christmas Eve in My Home Town in 1951 at the height of the Korean War. The song became an immediate hit with soldiers in the field and sailors at sea, eventually earning sobriquets as The Soldier’s Christmas Song, and the Official Christmas Song of Radio Free Europe during the Cold War years.” 4
Co-written in 1951 by GI’s Stan Zabka and Don Upton, this holiday tune has become fairly well-known thru the years due to recordings by Kate Smith and Bobby Vinton, but it was first done by Eddie Fisher in this recording made in Germany.