WXYZ: Traffic, Sales Support
- Many Gatherings at WXYZ Cultivated Many Friendships
Bill Bonds (background, left), Mary Collins, Milda Skorupskas, Bob Crozier
WXYZ: Traffic, Sales Support
Bill Bonds (background, left), Mary Collins, Milda Skorupskas, Bob Crozier
Harry Greener, ?????, Glenn Bar, Andrea Parquet, Donella Crawford, ?????, Steve Kremer, ?????, Al Upchurch, ?????, Glenn Therrien, ?????, Terry Owens – Photo from Terry Pochert’s retirement collection
WXYZ: TV News Photojournalist, Videographer. Retire on January 29, 2016, after 37 years working for WXYZ-TV.
Scott Wolan – Used with Permission of the Photographer, Wanda Doerner.
Scott Wolan – Used with Permission of the Photographer, Wanda Doerner.
WXYZ: TV engineering, news ENG editor. Died May 9, 2015.
Sports has always been a fun part of broadcast news. Among many others, the following photo from the Chris Huebner retirement collection is a group that always worked well together.
John Cwikla, Angela Tangalos, Chris Huebner and Stu Klitenic