Author: Staff

  • George Takei – A Proud Gay American

    We were fortunate to meet George Takei and his partner Brad Altman at the HRC dinner this past March, 2014, in Phoenix, Arizona. A handshake, a hug and a word of encouragement from George and Brad helped make our same sex marriage fight here in Arizona, just a bit easier.  But our struggle pales in comparison to the personal story of Mr. Takei during World War II. Take sixteen minutes of your time to learn about his struggle and how he now fights for equal rights throughout this great land we call home, a land we call America.

    As a child, George Takei, his siblings and parents, all United States citizens, were forced into an internment camp for Japanese-Americans, as a “security” measure during World War II. Seventy years later, Takei looks back at how the experience shaped his surprising, personal definition of patriotism and democracy.

    Our brief encounter with George with his husband, Brad:

    George Takei

    George Takei with two of the Plaintiffs in the Arizona Marriage Equality Lawsuit. 
    (L to R) Joe Connolly, George Takei and Terry Pochert

  • Weiss, Lori

    WXYZ: Kelly & Company Producer.

    Kelly & Company Audience Prep – Lori Weiss

  • Coden, Ron

    WXYZ: Host/talent on Hot Fudge starting with season 2 until its conclusion.


  • Savelly, Karen

    WCSX: On air personality.

    WXYZ / WRIF: FM programming, personality.

    • Free Concert On The Plaza – June 8, 1982

      Bilboard Magazine – June 12, 1982 – DETROIT — WRIF and Dr. Pepper kick off the second annual “Free Concerts On The Plaza” series Tuesday, set for June 8 (Tuesday) with Bitter Sweet Alley set for the opening act. Nine noontime concerts featuring top local rock bands will follow on consecutive Tuesdays. WRIF personalities Steve Kostan, Karen Savelly and Carl Coffey will host the performances. “Last year’s concerts were attended by a surprisingly diverse audience,” say promotion director Julie Finkel. The 1981 concert series culminated in a highly successful “WRIF Motor City Jam” at the Pine Knob Music Theater, which raised $25,000 for WDET, Detroit’s public radio station. Plans for “Motor City Jam II” are in the works. WRIF took 1,000 listeners for a cruise Wednesday (June 2), the third year the station has run such a cruise. Winners of the cruise tickets were drawn from a station drawing. Local rock band The Urbations played for the three-outing. The station also planned a six-hour concert on Saturday (June 5) in connection with the Detroit Grand Prix. The Urbations and the Automatix were lined up as performers for this WRIF-FM promoted event.

      WRIF concert Series Set
      Bilboard Magazine – June 12, 1982

  • Balog, Laurie

    WXYZ: Producer


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