Author: Staff

  • Art Fettig’s Longfellows

    Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo 

    July 31, 2017

    In this Issue

    o  Longfellows
    o  Say Something Good
    o  Points To Ponder
    o  A Little Humor
    o  Quote
    o  To Subscribe


    Poety - Writing Quill

    I’m a poet, my feet show it. They’re Longfellows.

    I’ve been called a lot of strange things in my career but not since high school has anyone referred to me as a poet. Not so lately. Last Saturday I attended a meeting of our local Orange Dog Poets. Tuesday I went to the Nash Street Tavern open mike session and read some of my poetry. Early Wednesday morning I read some of my poetry on a local radio show that can be heard worldwide on the net. Thursday we picked up yesterday’s mail and the local News of Orange Newspaper, and in the Poets Corner they published my poem on Loving America.  Friday I will be including some of my poetry in a presentation I’ll be making at our Senior Center.  I have been including my poems in most of my presentations nearly all of my career as a professional speaker, that being for the past 45 years. I’ve considered myself a lot of things but never really a “poet.”  I think most real poets will agree that I am not really a “poet.”  I’m more of a rhymer who works with rhythm. Early this morning the thought hit me that “A poet can write anything he wants to.  There are no rules.”

    The power of that statement nearly floored me. I went on to say
    Oh, a poet could write most anything she wants to.
    Foolish, schoolish, unsound….profound
    And the words of her selection, might sway a close election
    Or cause an insurrection
    A phrase unfurled, might change the world.
    That’s enough on the subject. (Applause)

    Say Something Good

    Blue Stingray Seafood Restaurant in Durham, North Carolina is one of those rare finds that put a smile on my face and made my mouth water all at the same time. No, it’s not a chain. With their menu, including “Fried Gater”, it couldn’t be. Catfish and fried shrimp with hush puppies, two sides and a beverage was $9.99. It is what they offered for sides that blew my mind. Here are just a few of the side offerings: Sweet potato fries, collard greens, cheese grits, mac & cheese plus several usual ones like cole slaw and such.  Sheilah, born in Guam as a U.S. Citizen, was the cashier and all around guide. An awesome photo on the wall made me feel like I was sitting in an exotic ocean front restaurant.  A wonderful experience.  May God Bless our troops all over the world and bring them safely home.

    Points To Ponder

    A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether. Roy H. Williams

    A Little Humor

    Anatomy: Something that everybody has but it looks better on a girl.


    Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others. Cicero

  • Eyler, Rick

    WXYZ: TV, Assignment Desk.

    Just one of the ads Rick Placed in Broadcasting for additional help at the station.

    Rick EylerRick Eyler – Broadcasting, January 12, 1981

  • Happy New Year 1981 – WXYZ Studios

    WXYZ: Celebrating the coming of the new near just before midnight on December 31, 1981, after the 11pm news.  Yes, those are real typewriters in the foreground.

    WXYZ Happy New Year 1981

    Back Row: John Armand, Steve Kremer, Wanda Doerner, Barbara Horner, Dayna Eubanks, John Gross, Diane Charles
    Kneeling: Terry Pochert, Rick Eyler
    Photo from Terry Pochert collection

  • There Was A Time by George Burlbaugh

    George Burlbaugh
    Available from

    My involvement with television and television news began more than a half century ago, almost by accident. Out of High School, I installed tv antennas, went to Korea in communication intelligence and ended up a tv news director and network news producer. This is a look back at some of the things I remember best.

  • Cheely, George

    WXYZ: From the book, “There Was A Time” by George Burlbaugh, “George Cheely was our desk supervisor.  He had been with CBS, left to take over as news director at WXYZ in Detroit and came to the NBC Washington Bureau after that.  …  He drove a 1960 Chevy II which was given to him as a going away present from WXYZ.  It was one of the first of its model off the assembly line and George drove it as long as I knew him.”[1]


    1. There Was A Time

    • There Was A Time by George Burlbaugh

      George Burlbaugh
      Available from

      My involvement with television and television news began more than a half century ago, almost by accident. Out of High School, I installed tv antennas, went to Korea in communication intelligence and ended up a tv news director and network news producer. This is a look back at some of the things I remember best.