Author: Staff

  • Say Something Good – Church Choirs by Art Fettig

    ChoirChurch choirs.  Here at our church we are blessed with a terrific choir. Each Christmas time they present a special concert and this year I have been asked to introduce one of the numbers.  The other evening I attended their choir practice and for the first time I witnessed all of the hard work that goes into the preparation for each Sunday’s music.  America is truly blessed with great choirs and just think of all of the people who dedicate their time and their talents each week to make our churches resound with all of that beautiful music.  May God bless all of our choirs, our men and women in the Armed Forces and may He keep our troops from harm. – Art Fettig

  • Chung, Lai Ha

    WXYZ: Accounting

  • Chun, Jee-in

    WXYZ: News producer.


  • Benesh, Frank

    Frank BeneshWXYZ: TV news director.

  • AZ Ruling on Gay Marriage Ban Expected Soon

    Attorney Heather Macre

    [Story originally appeared August 4, 2014]

    Jason Barry from CBS 5 in Phoenix, Arizona, writes, “A major ruling on same-sex marriage in Arizona is expected any day now.

    A lawsuit challenging the state’s gay marriage ban is making its way through federal court.

    Terry Pochert and Joe Connolly, of Maricopa, are one of seven couples leading the charge to give same-sex couples the right to marry in Arizona.

    “To me, it’s very simple,” said Pochert. “Two people love each other, and are committed to each other for a lifelong relationship.  We just want the same rights that any other couple in a long term relationship would have.”

    In 2008, Arizona voters amended the state constitution  to include the definition of marriage as only between one man and one woman.

    Other states did the same. …”[1]


    1. KPHO