Author: Staff

  • Ross Reck – The Most Important Things in Life Can’t be Bought; They Must be Earned

    …live a kind, loving and caring life…
    Photo by Mayur Gala

    The Most Important Things

    Ross Reck wrote in one of his recent weekly Reminders, “One of my connections on LinkedIn posted the following quote by Clarence Francis [3] who retired as Chairman of the Board for General Foods in 1954.

    The quote points out that the most important things in life can’t be bought; they must be earned. As Mr. Francis put it: “You can buy a man’s time; you can buy his physical presence at a given place; you can even buy a measured number of his skilled muscular motions per hour. But you cannot buy enthusiasm; you can’t buy initiative; you cannot buy loyalty; you cannot buy the devotion of hearts, mind or souls.

    You must earn these.” When you extend Mr. Francis’ quote from business to life in general, the list of things that must be earned also includes love, friendship and respect. The good news is that all these things are very easy to earn. All you have to do is live a kind, loving and caring life and they’re yours.”[1,2]


    3. Wikipedia – Clarence Francis
    4. Wikipedia – General Foods

  • Art Fettig – “How The Years Fly Bye”

    Art and Jean Fettig

    Jean and I will have been married over 90 years as you read this. (Not all of those years to each other.) I was married 39 years previously and she was 35 years. May 19th we will have been married 16 years together. We met online. I lived in Battle Creek, Michigan and she lived in Hillsborough, North Carolina. It was 1998 and I had just given a speech at the National Safety Congress and some fellow asked me if I would like to travel to Australia and give a series of Safety Speeches. He was just checking on fees and availability and such. It was a very tentative thing but it led me to check out the Internet for information on travel in Australia. Jean had just sold her travel agency and was helping the new owner and she knew a lot about Australia and darned if, through the miracle of the Internet, we got together. She asked me a lot of questions and I asked her a lot of questions and in time we stopped talking about travel and started asking about each other.

    Well, we both must a liked the answers we were getting from each other because we soon got together and we’ve been together ever since. That prospect never did hire me to speak in Australia. We went there later as tourists. In fact, it seems like we went almost everywhere together. To the Artic Sea at Norway, To England and Turkey and Greece and New Zeeland and yes, all over the Carribean and Hawaii and many of the New England States and a mess of National Parks and I worked for the Army and Navy and Marines and Air Corps and for so many wonderful organizations. We rendezvoused in Mexico City, honeymooned in Wyoming and Estes Park, Colorado and gol dang, come July our collective age will be 170 and we ain’t done travelin’ yet.

    I figure our sixteen years married is a good start.

  • Freedom For All Americans – Joe Connolly and Terry Pochert

    Joe Connolly and Terry Pochert
    Joe Connolly and Terry Pochert

    Joe Connolly wrote for Freedom for all Americans, “January 6, 2014 will be a day my husband Terry Pochert and I will remember for the rest of our lives.

    That morning, I accepted a new job. In seven days I would move from contractor status to full time status at an aerospace firm based in Chandler, Arizona. For more than six months, I had been working hard in my contractor role, seeking an eventual full-time job offer, and at last, the company had extended me the opportunity. …”



  • Defendants’ Notice of Appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and Representation Statement

    Document 93 - Defendants' Notice of Appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and Representation Statement.
    Document 93


  • Arizona Wins For Marraige Equality

    New Times - October 23, 2017References:

    1. New Times, October 23, 2017, Ashley Cusick – Cover (PDF)