- Republicans Vote Against Veterans
“Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a bill to help veterans exposed to toxic burn pits weeks after the measure initially sailed through the Senate with 84 votes, angering Democrats, veterans groups and comedian Jon Stewart, a leading proponent to aid the community.” 1
“A bill aimed at protecting veterans exposed to toxic materials during their service was shut down yesterday in the Senate, in a 55 to 42 vote that failed to meet the 60-vote threshold necessary to advance the legislation. Of the 42 senators who voted against the PACT Act, 41 were Republicans.” 2
‘Republican lawmakers blocked passage of a bill in the U.S. Senate Wednesday that expands healthcare coverage for military veterans who were exposed to toxins and burn pits during their service.’ 3
In an eleventh-hour act of cowardice, Republicans chose today to rob generations of toxic-exposed veterans across this country of the health care and benefits they’ve earned and so desperately need.
— Senator Jon Tester (@SenatorTester) July 27, 2022
Make no mistake—the American people are sick and tired of these games. pic.twitter.com/w2ZUcGzGpT“He was among the veterans, military family members and advocates staged on the Capitol steps for the fourth night on Sunday, pledging to remain until Congress passes a bill that covers health care for those exposed to toxins while serving in uniform. Earlier that day, the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs warned that a new Republican proposal could leave the agency “rationing” veterans’ health care. GOP lawmakers blocked the aid from passing last week in what comedian Jon Stewart, a longtime veterans advocate, blasted as “a disgrace.”” 4
A Message to and from Mister Senator Ted Cruz…Attorney at Law#PassthePactact pic.twitter.com/QjGRGdPmq4
— Jon Stewart (@jonstewart) July 29, 2022
Author: Staff
Barrasso, John A. (R-WY)
Republicans Vote Against Veterans
“Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a bill to help veterans exposed to toxic burn pits weeks after the measure initially sailed through the Senate with 84 votes, angering Democrats, veterans groups and comedian Jon Stewart, a leading proponent to aid the community.” 1
“A bill aimed at protecting veterans exposed to toxic materials during their service was shut down yesterday in the Senate, in a 55 to 42 vote that failed to meet the 60-vote threshold necessary to advance the legislation. Of the 42 senators who voted against the PACT Act, 41 were Republicans.” 2
‘Republican lawmakers blocked passage of a bill in the U.S. Senate Wednesday that expands healthcare coverage for military veterans who were exposed to toxins and burn pits during their service.’ 3
In an eleventh-hour act of cowardice, Republicans chose today to rob generations of toxic-exposed veterans across this country of the health care and benefits they’ve earned and so desperately need.
Make no mistake—the American people are sick and tired of these games. pic.twitter.com/w2ZUcGzGpT
— Senator Jon Tester (@SenatorTester) July 27, 2022
“He was among the veterans, military family members and advocates staged on the Capitol steps for the fourth night on Sunday, pledging to remain until Congress passes a bill that covers health care for those exposed to toxins while serving in uniform. Earlier that day, the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs warned that a new Republican proposal could leave the agency “rationing” veterans’ health care. GOP lawmakers blocked the aid from passing last week in what comedian Jon Stewart, a longtime veterans advocate, blasted as “a disgrace.”” 4
A Message to and from Mister Senator Ted Cruz…Attorney at Law#PassthePactact pic.twitter.com/QjGRGdPmq4
— Jon Stewart (@jonstewart) July 29, 2022
Commencements by Art Fettig
Pixabay.com Commencements. My step grand daughter is graduating from high school with all sorts of honors and I attended a program held in the school gym. It lasted almost forever and the seats were hard but it was a thrill to hear of the achievements of so many students. Many of them had received impressive scholarships and awards and as I listened I started thinking about how we never hear or read about this segment of the education scene here in America. So many wonderful students accomplishing so many awesome things and all we read about online or in the papers or see on TV is that two students broke into the school and trashed two classrooms or the report on another car crash involving students. Here in America we have a situation where we can be mighty proud of the achievement of the many, however, we only hear about the few. May God bless our students and our graduates and keep them safe. May God bless our troops and keep them out of harms way and may God continue to bless America.
Safety and Human Behavior by Art Fettig
…a signed permission for others… In the very early seventies I started working with a noted psychologist from Notre Dame University to learn more about employee behavior. I was trying to figure our why we had such a rotten safety record and what we might do about it. I had been handling the investigation and settlement of employee injury claims since the late forties and “human error” seemed to be the stated cause for most injuries and it got me interested in what caused “human error.” Actually, my job with Dr. True was to write fresh humor for his lectures. I didn’t realize at that time that I was studying psychology or human behavior either. Those topics were so foreign to the railroad industry that I would have been banished from the property if that were even suspected. We were still in the stone ages in regard to the role of human behavior in regard to safety.
As I stumbled along, somehow, thanks to a brand new, highly dedicated and innovative corporate president, I was given a new job and freedom to explore my thinking. The results were quite impressive and mostly because of the efforts of others. Nevertheless, this enabled me to move about the corporate world sharing my ideas with others. Of course a lot has changed since I began my work in 1948. Just the same the term “human error” keep cropping up as the stated cause for so many employee injuries. We used to joke that the cause of most accidents is people and the cause of most people is accidents. I guess that is still true today and nothing changes. Just the words we use to describe things. Some engineers I have met believe that the way to eliminate human error is to eliminate people and recently, it appears, that a lot of CEO’s are following up on that idea for a lot of employees are being eliminated.
What I discovered along the way is that when people make personal commitments to one another and take responsibility for not just their own safety but that of their fellow workers safety, thus becoming brother’s and sister’s keepers, and when they give one another a signed permission for others to interact in a positive manner, then folks just naturally work a lot saver and you get outstanding results. Oh yes, we introduced a simple 101 hand signal to avoid a lot of confrontation and people actually started communicating. Now that might not be a whole lot for a person to figure out in just sixty-one years in the safety field but that is the best I have to offer.
Relieving Lower Back Pain
Pixabay.com “Back pain can range in intensity from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp or shooting pain. It can begin suddenly as a result of an accident or by lifting something heavy, or it can develop over time as we age. Getting too little exercise followed by a strenuous workout also can cause back pain.” 5