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Ways to Donate (PDF) – Your donations, whether financial or your time and talents, helps the church achieve its mission.
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Far too many people have bought into the myth that failure is fatal and is something that should be avoided. In reality, failure is the world’s most effective learning experience. Most of our greatest accomplishments were made possible through failure–learning to walk, ride a bike and drive. Why should the rest of our life be any different? My father used to say, “Talk with any self-made millionaire and you’ll find they’ve gone broke at least three or four times.” Why? These people took risks, failed, learned from their failures and tried again. Each failure taught them some very important lessons that ultimately paved the way to their success. The lesson here is that failure is your friend, not something to be avoided. As Thomas Edison said on numerous occasions, “If you want to increase your success, try doubling your failure rate.”
One Sentence Wisdom
Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo
May 25, 2009
In This Issue
o A Letter To Max
o Say Something Good
o Visit Our Website
o Points To Ponder
o A Little Humor
o Quote of the Week
A Letter To Max © Art Fettig
Dear Max,
It’s Memorial Day and I’m thinking about Korea and about you, Max. You and those other G.I’s they carried off on liters from that damn, beat-up powder-topped hill we called Old Baldy. We were fighting so that the world would be safe for democracy. Maybe we did a lousy job of it Max, because people are still killing each other for the same reason.
Oh, I remember you Max. You didn’t talk much, but we spent every moment together, sitting in that stinkin’ bunker, through those long nights. We took turn on watch, putting our lives in each other’s hands for a couple of hours sleep.
Max, I remember how we went without food for two days because somebody screwed up in our supply lines. Finally, I got so disgusted that I crawled up to the Command Post. While I was there those rounds came in.
Later, when I went back to our bunker, I found you Max. You and that other guy I’d never known before. I guess he was just passing by when that barrage came in and he jumped into our hole and he met death there for me.
So I’m still here to remember you Max; you and that other guy and that beat up hill where we chose to meet the enemy and say, “Hold it! We’ve come to make this world safe for democracy.” They didn’t listen, Max, and they killed you.
Max, I’ve got the feeling that maybe we made that trip overseas in vain. That the place to make the world safe for democracy is right here and the time is right now. What we’ve really got to remember today is that war is hell and that death is real and what the world needs right now, Max, is love. Love and a lot more love. Not a lot of men running across oceans to make the world safe for democracy.
You didn’t say very much, Max, but I remember what you did say. It seemed pretty corny right then. You said, “Man must learn to love his fellow man.”
Max, it is finally beginning to make sense to me. Like you said, Max, Love is the answer.
Your Buddy Art
Memorial Day and I’m remembering a lot of friends and relatives that gave their lives for this country. Many of them served and then came home so messed up that they could not function in the normal world. May God bless all serving our nation at this time and all who have served. And may God Bless America.
Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. Lou Holtz
A Little Humor
Our company has a huge abacus under glass in case our computer breaks down.
The possibility of stepping into a higher plane is quite real for everyone. It requires no force or effort or sacrifice. It involves little more than changing our ideas about what is normal. Deepak Chopra
By Ross Reck, PhD and Harry Paul
Coauthors of Instant Turnaround!
Getting People Excited About Coming to Work and Working Hard
Pundits, politicians and even President Obama are all saying that getting the economy back on track is going to take a long, long time. This is very depressing and it’s not what the American people want to hear. They want to hear about a quick fix for the current situation—an instant turnaround that will put the economy on a fast track toward recovery today. That’s the kind of news that will get the American people excited about their future.
Is there such a thing as a fast track out of this recession? The answer is YES and it’s FREE. Right now many of the executives running American businesses are hunkering down, tightening their belts, laying people off and looking for additional ways to conserve. The problem is that these are the very things that prolong a recession instead of shortening it. What so many of these executives fail to realize is that the key to the fast track out of this recession is right under their noses—their employees. These are the people who do the work that the company gets paid for. The better these people do their jobs, the faster the company’s revenue stream will begin to grow and that’s what the fast track out of this recession is all about.
The question then becomes: how do businesses get their employees to apply their best efforts to performing their jobs? The answer is simple, but it does require a mindset change on the part of managers and executives. We learned from the Hawthorne Studies nearly a century that the better you treat employees, the harder they’ll work. This being the case, you would think it would be the goal every team leader, supervisor, manager and executive to treat their employees as well as possible so they would work as hard as possible. As it turns out, in most cases the exact opposite is true.
In 2007, Zogby International conducted 7,740 online interviews of a panel that is representative or the adult population of the US. The survey found that not only were tens of millions of workers not being treated well, but 37% or an estimated 54 million American workers had personally experienced an extreme form of workplace abuse referred to as “bullying.” The study defined bullying as “repeated health-harming mistreatment” that takes one or more of the following forms:
The study also found that an additional 12% of the American workforce or 17.5 million people had personally witnessed bullying behavior. This means that 49% of the workforce or 71.5 million American workers have been touched by this extreme form or workplace abuse. And, who are these bullies? Seventy-three percent of them were bosses—managers!
This is not only an outrage; it’s immoral, cruel and barbaric; and it’s keeping us in this recession. When employees feel abused, their motivation is to get even and find another job somewhere else. Researchers Gostick and Elton estimate the cost of employee turnover in America to be $1.7 trillion annually. Then, if you factor in the other things employees are motivated to do when they feel they’re being abused such as taking more sick days, missing work more often, stealing from the company, doing as little work as possible and a poorer quality of work, convincing other employees not to work as hard and refusing to share their ideas on how to improve products and services, we’re probably looking at a four to five trillion dollar price tag for this abusive behavior. This is huge especially give that the size of the entire American economy is only $14 trillion. Just think of the shot in the arm it would be to our economy if American business could recover a sizeable chunk of this amount.
The question then becomes: can this mess be turned around? The answer is yes, and it can be turned around immediately, but it’s up to the senior managers who run American businesses. They could easily reclaim the lion’s share of these four to five trillion dollars if they would do the following three things sincerely, consistently and well:
These are three simple things that cost absolutely nothing. Companies that choose to implement them from the top down will immediately put themselves on the fast track to economic recovery. Those that don’t will one day wonder how they got left behind.