Author: Staff

  • Never Doubt

    Never Doubt

    Margaret Mead: A Life
    Available from

    Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

    At the age of twenty-three, in the 1920s, Margaret Mead traveled alone to the South Sea and wrote of adolescent sexuality and guilt-free love in her now classic Coming of Age in Samoa. For the next half-century, Mead would act as a powerful participant and opinion maker in the largest issues of her time: culture and religion, education and child rearing, sex and freedom, world hunger, war, and the politics of peace.

    Outrageous and extravagant, Mead was, in every sense of the word, spirited. Friendships and families of many kinds were at the core of her personal life, and she was both loyal and demanding with people, always challenging them to move in new directions.

    An inveterate world traveler, a teacher at Columbia University, and curator of The Museum of Natural History, Mead wrote thirty-four books, made ten films, and was granted twenty-eight honorary degrees and numerous awards. This intimate and fascinating story is an astonishing record of the personal and scientific life of an extraordinary human being.

  • Art Fettig: Country Road

    Art Fettig: Country Road

    Train Track - Automn Leaves
    Driving down an old country road…

    Yesterday my wife Jean and I were driving down an old country road looking for a church meeting site where I would be delivering a humor talk next week. As I was thinking about all of the picturesque country roads in this area and I thought about John Denver’s song Country Road. There has been a heap of living that has gone on along those roads in the past and it is calming and rewarding just to take a slow drive down a country road and thinking about old times. May God bless urban and rural America and keep our troops from harm.


  • Ross Reck: Laughter Is A Powerful Medicine

    Ross Reck: Laughter Is A Powerful Medicine


    There aren’t many medicines that even come close to delivering the benefits that laughter delivers.  To start with, laughter makes us feel good, makes our burdens seem lighter and makes the difficult times seem less difficult.  In addition, laughter strengthens the immune system, helps you heal more quickly, reduces food cravings, reduces stress, anxiety and anger while providing you with a better night’s sleep.  And, the more we laugh, the more of these benefits we accrue.  The problem is that we simply don’t laugh enough.  Recent research shows that adults average only 17 laughs per day while a kindergartener laughs 300 times per day–and guess who is happier and healthier?  The lesson here is that we all need to make it a point to laugh more each and every day.  If we do, just like those kindergarteners, we’ll find ourselves happier and healthier.


  • Tanning? Certain Foods Help Your Skin Tone

    Tanning? Certain Foods Help Your Skin Tone


    “If you’re the type who likes to spray tan or spend hours under the sun… here’s a better alternative. Switch up your diet to food that’s rich in carotenoids. You know what they say – you are what you eat.

    Carotenoids are compounds which give your skin a natural glowing tan through regular intake. Some great sources include:

    • Butternut Squash
    • Cantaloupe Melon
    • Carrots
    • Dark Leafy Greens
    • Dried Apricots
    • Sweet Potato
    • Sweet Red Peppers

    A study that came out in The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology showed that 86% of people found a carotenoid tan more attractive than a pale face. It also compared faces that had both carotenoid tan and sun tan versions – and more preferred the carotenoid type. So high-carotenoid foods aren’t just good for your health. They’re great for your skin.” 1

  • Lutheran Campus Ministry at Arizona State University

    An Amazing Place to Gather – Overheard at the Senior Banquet Held at the Church

    These are just a few of the more poignant comments from some of our graduating seniors:

    • “I found this place when I was in trouble and really needed it and you helped me”
    • “This community is the only place that felt like home to me during my years at ASU”
    • “I decided to get a job in the East Valley so I could still be part of this community after graduation”
    • “The people here are so welcoming” (this was said by several students)
    • “San Diego was the best possible way to begin my college years.” [Students meet in San Diego over the Labor Day weekend]

    Thanks for all you do for students and continuing to make our ministry such a welcoming and vital community of faith that impacts our students and through them the church throughout the nation and world!
