Maus I: A Survivor’s Tale: My Father Bleeds History – Available from
Dictator like behavior of the McMinn County school board in Tennessee has been accused of Nazi like behavior banning certain books from their libraries as inappropriate for eighth graders. Although the excuse seems that the book is too mature for the age of the students, it seems like the real reason, to some folks, is that the school board is trying to deny the holocaust.
Arizona Rep. Steve Kaiser (R-Phoenix) sponsoring Arizona HB 2161
Certain legislators need to be voted out of office. “A House panel voted Tuesday to punish teachers who keep certain student confidences from their parents, like a disclosure the youngster is gay.” 1
It is just about twenty years now since I sent out my first safety newsletter. I had come home from speaking to thousands of top safety leaders at the National Safety Congress and over 500 people had asked me for more information about my live presentations and about my safety products. I just figured that a newsletter might be a great way to contact them all at once and on a continuing basis. We would print up the newsletters, staple them together and then put a commemorative stamp on each one together with an address label. It got rather popular and we soon found we were sending out as many as seven thousand copies. I had a nice neighbor lady who helped me with each mailing and it was no small chore. The results were far beyond my expectations and I was kept busy full time as a professional speaker and an author and when we went to e-mail, I began churning the newsletter out each week. Thanks to my friend, Terry Pochert, we have kept this going. I still give an occasional speech and every now and then we get a nice order for our products and most of all, we get messages from many of you about how you saw me speak at some conference and made a special personal commitment to safety and it changed your life. That is really why I continue to take the time to knock out this newsletter.
…this keep my writing skill sharp…
Then too, this keep my writing skill sharp and I use my talents writing new books. I’ve been sharpening my photographic skills too and we recently published a little book about our little town here in North Carolina, titled Round Hillsborough. Well, we enjoyed some nice success with that book and we are in the final stages of editing another photo book and I have two more in progress.
In my new book I think I captured some of the joy of what I am currently experiencing as follows…
“Heading up the hill toward that unique structure that had first caught my eye, I sensed a new spring to my step and in my mind, I was singing
Former school teacher Chasten Buttigieg is slamming Florida legislation dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which would ban discussion of LGBTQ issues in public schools under the guise of “parental rights,” saying it will “kill kids.” 2
A Republican-led committee in the Florida state house has advanced a bill that would ban all discussion of sexuality and gender identity in schools, a move advocates say will “erase” LGTBQ+ students and history. 3
January 20, 2022 — The Trevor Project, the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people, condemned the Florida House Education & Employment Committee for passing HB 1557/SB 1834, also known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which would ban classroom discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity in schools, erasing LGBTQ identity, history, and culture — as well as LGBTQ students themselves. The bill also has provisions that appear to undermine LGBTQ support in schools and include vague parental notification requirements which could effectively “out” LGBTQ-identifying students to their parents without their consent. 4
Emily’s List, the national group that backs female Democrats who support abortion rights, said Tuesday that it will no longer endorse Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) because she opposes changing Senate rules to pass voting rights legislation. 5
The abortion rights groups Emily’s List and NARAL pulled their support from Sinema over the filibuster vote. 6
“I’m livid. I can only call her a turncoat,” Dunn said. “I feel betrayed.” 7
U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is growing increasingly isolated from some of her party’s most influential officials and donors after playing a key role in scuttling voting rights legislation that many consider essential to preserving democracy. 8