Why Biggs Should NOT Be In Congress
“The rock-and-roll-loving Mormon has his own fair share of critics inside the party who appear largely unfamiliar with his past. Some House Republicans view Biggs’ legislative persona as an unlicensed backseat driver, a constant no vote who still tries to give direction on how to make policy. Out of the roughly 760 bills he’s introduced, only four have become law.” 1
A Shameful Politician Who Doesn’t Represent Many People in His District
Andrew Steven Biggs (born November 7, 1958) is an American attorney and politician who represents Arizona’s 5th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. 2
- The Two Faces of Any Biggs
Biggs Votes Against H.R.3967 – Honoring our PACT Act of 2022
Office of the Clerk Then in a Biggs email newsletter he states, “On Wednesday, I met with Joshua Stanwitz of Concerned Veterans of America, Bob Dalpe of Arizona Veterans Medical Leadership Council, veteran advocate Steve Cooper, and Ro Gonzalez of Valors Veterans Community AZ to discuss the latest VA crisis and long wait times currently faced by our veterans. This is outrageous. Our nation has promised care for our veterans and the VA is failing to deliver that promise.” 3