Author: Staff
Coming Out
Stories You Must Read
OutSports.com, Unique Smith, November 10, 2020 – College volleyball player finds his Christian faith strengthen after coming out – Unique Smith found a home and support on his college volleyball team by being himself.
The Shame of the Trump Administration
March 3, 2017 – The Trump administration is considering a proposal to begin separating children from their mothers at the border as a way to deter future migrants, Reuters reports. The policy would allow the government to keep parents in custody while they await asylum hearings or contest deportation.
Southeran Proverty Law Center“Inasmuch as you did it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you did it unto me.” https://t.co/NignMnAdKG
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) October 7, 2020 -
Your Support is Need – The DAV (Disabled American Veterans)
We can use your help – Click Here
The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) is an organization created by the United States Congress for disabled military veterans of the United States Armed Forces that helps them and their families through various means.
The Disabled American Veterans Organization provides service free of charge through a nationwide network of 88 DAV National Service Offices, 38 Transition Service Offices, 198 DAV Hospital Service Coordinator Offices, 52 state-level DAV Departments, 249 DAV VA Voluntary Service Representatives, and more than 1900 local DAV Chapters.