“On February 6 and 7, the Southeast of Turkey and the Northwest of Syria have been hit by devastating earthquakes. In addition to the main tremor that reached a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale, more than 20 aftershocks with magnitudes between 5.0 and 7.5 were registered in the earthquake-ravished region around Gaziantep.” 1
“The twin magnitude 6.4 and 7.1 earthquakes that struck the Ridgecrest area in California’s Mojave Desert northeast of Los Angeles on July 4 and 5, respectively, were felt by up to 30 million people in California, Nevada, Arizona and Baja California, resulting in loss of life, injuries, billions in damage and lots of frazzled nerves.” 2
From his first job in church ministry to working for a presidential campaign [President Barack Obama]; from serving in the White House to advocating for small businesses; from fighting for the American worker to running for Congress; Ammar puts service first. 3
The son of a catholic, working-class mother, Ammar was born and raised in San Diego. The family struggled, and Ammar sought work as a janitor in a church, where he later became a youth leader. He attended community college and graduated from San Diego State University, after taking time off to help reelect the president.
In 2012, Ammar served as Deputy Regional Field Director for the president’s reelection campaign, where he helped oversee Southern California’s grassroots operations from a headquarters in San Diego. Ammar worked alongside thousands of people, who in the spirit of public service, volunteered their labor and love in advocacy of a common cause.
Following the election, Ammar secured a White House position in the Executive Office of the President. When he was unable to afford the move to Washington, DC, he secured a loan to serve on the team that selected the 10 letters that the president read every night. Ammar read thousands of letters from citizens, learning much about the hopes, fears and daily struggles of the American people.
Read about the lies opponents use again Ammar
Indicted congressman falsely ties opponent to terrorism. 4 The attacks ads against Ammar have been given Four Pinocchios by the Washington Post.
The Los Angeles Times has a good summary of the current status of his 2020 candidacy. 5
Did you ever wonder why our “President” is seeking a trade war with Canada? Is it because California and New York will be hit the hardest by these tariffs. These two states are traditionally blue.
President Trump’s historic summit with Kim Jong-un in Singapore was somewhat overshadowed by the tumultuous climax of the G7 summit in Quebec. America’s closest allies are still reeling from the divisive summit and shortly after it ended, Trump lambasted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a barage of tweets. That was in response to a news conference held by Trudeau where he vowed retaliatory action against U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum. Trump called Tudeau “very dishonest and weak” and claimed he “acts hurt when called out”, comments that have infuriated Canadians. The Globe and Mail newspaper called Trump’s outburst “one of the most flagrant manufactured crises ever perpetrated by an American administration against an ally”. [1]
Statista, Niall McCarthy, June 13, 2018 – How Many U.S. Jobs Depend On Trade With Canada
U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher told a group of Realtors last week that homeowners should be able to refuse to sell their property to gays and lesbians, a statement that cost him the support of a key national Realtor group.
“Every homeowner should be able to make a decision not to sell their home to someone (if) they don’t agree with their lifestyle,” Rohrabacher told an Orange County Association of Realtors delegation at a May 16 meeting in Washington, D.C., according to Wayne Woodyard, a former Orange County Realtor president who was at the event.
On Thursday, Rohrabacher confirmed the accuracy of the sentiment, and added that homeowners should have the right to “choose who they do business with.” [1]
The Orange Country Register, May 24, 2018, Jeff Collins – Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher says it’s OK not to sell homes to gays; loses support of Realtors (PDF)
CNN, May 26, 2018, Clare Foran and Kate Sullivan – Rep. Dana Rohrabacher loses endorsement for saying it’s OK to not sell homes to gay people (PDF)
Dennis Alexander also teaches, is a reserve police officer and a Seaside city councilman, pointed his gun and was “providing instruction related to public safety” as reported by the police. [1]
Dennis Alexander, City of Seaside Council Member and Mayor Pro Tem [City of Seaside website]References:
The Washington Post, March 14, 2018, Fred Barbash – Gun-trained teacher accidentally discharges firearm in Calif. classroom, injuring student
The Californian, March 13, 2018, Joe Szydlowski – Teacher, reserve officer, councilman accidentally fires a gun off at school