Category: General

  • Will Young – A Story of Hope

    Ask anyone what Will Young’s story is and they’ll probably tell you he’s a singer who won Pop Idol in 2002, went on to release a string of multi-platinum albums, win two Brit awards and had countless other successes. They are unlikely to say that his story has been one of gay shame that has blighted his life. And yet, says the 42-year-old musician, whose new book To Be a Gay Man, has just come out in paperback, “gay shame was a part of my life from the age of six. It has clung on to me and literally stopped me truly flying in life”. 1

    To be a Gay Man

    To Be A Gay Man - Will Young
    To Be A Gay Man – by Will Young – Available from

    Million-selling pop star and co-host of influential podcast ‘Homo Sapiens’, Will Young is calling for an end to society’s legacy of gay shame, revealing the impact it had on his own life, how he learned to deal with it and how he can now truthfully say he is gay and happy. In To Be a Gay Man, Will Young speaks out about gay shame, revealing the impact it had on his own life, how he learned to deal with it, and how he can now truthfully say he is gay and happy. We know Will as a multi-platinum recording artist, Olivier-nominee, and the first winner of the Idol franchise. But his story began long before his first audition. Looking back on a world where growing up being called gay was the ultimate insult and coming out after a lifetime of hiding his sexuality, Will explores the long-lasting impact repressing his true self has had. As Will’s own story demonstrates, internalized shame in childhood increases the risk of developing low self-worth, and even self-disgust, leading to destructive behaviors in adult life. Will revisits the darkest extremes he has been to, sharing his vulnerabilities, his regrets, tracing his own navigation through it all and showing the way for others who might have felt alone in the same experience. Here you will find a friend, champion and mentor, breaking taboos with frank honesty, and offering invaluable practical advice on overcoming the difficult issues too often faced within the LGBTQ+ community.

  • China Leads, Republicans Shamefully Push Back Keeping the US Lagging

    China has the largest number of electric cars on the roads last year with a total stock of 4.5 million.

    Infographic: Global Electric Car Stock Passes 10-Million Milestone | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

    “The total amount of funding it would direct to roads, bridges, ports, waterways and airports combined adds up to less than what it would spend just on electric cars,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a press release last week. 2

    Auto manufacturers are increasingly focused on EVs over gas-powered cars, while state and federal lawmakers across the U.S. are promoting EVs as part of a push to reduce carbon emissions from the transportation sector. 3

  • Lambda Legal LGBTQ Biden Checklist

    Gay Globe

    10 Things LGBTQ People and People Living with HIV Need from the Biden-Harris Administration

    In the last four years, Lambda Legal has filed 46 federal lawsuits against the Trump administration to beat back their efforts to harm LGBTQ people and everyone living with HIV. When policies erased who we are and gave rise to discrimination against the most vulnerable among us, we fought for equal recognition and equal access. When the federal government tried to treat the children of married same-sex couples as less than the children of married different-sex couples, we fought back to demand marriage equality. When lawmakers pushed us out of workplaces, schools, and businesses, we fought to protect our rights—all the way to the Supreme Court. 4Lambda Legal, January 20, 2021 – 10 Things LGBTQ People and People Living with HIV Need from the Biden-Harris Administration[/efn_note

    There are hundreds of policies from the last four years that need to be reversed, but below are ten actions the Biden-Harris administration can take starting day one to begin undoing the damage caused by the Trump administration:


  • We Wake Up Every Day To A New Beginning by Ross Reck


    Each day is a new beginning–a chance to start off fresh and new with a clean slate.  Whatever happened yesterday is behind us and will stay there, but we have the opportunity to make today what it will become.  What we make of each new day depends on our attitude which we get to choose.  If we choose to greet each new day with a positive attitude; those days will be filled with exciting adventures and pleasant surprises.  On the other hand, if we choose a negative attitude, the hills we have to climb will seem steep instead of gradual and the glasses set in front of us will seem half-empty rather than half-full.  Each day we all wake up to the first day of the rest of our live.  If we want to make the most out of each of these days, we need to greet them with a positive attitude.