Category: General

  • Mnuchin Mocks Thunberg

    Greta Thunberg – European Parliament from EU

    While speaking to reporters at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin mocks Greta Thunberg. Reporters asked Mnuchin about Thunberg. His reply, “Is she the chief economist or who is she? I’m confused. After she goes and studies economics in college, she can come back and explain that to us.” 1 2 3

    Wow! Perhaps Mnuchin should take some lessons in manners after the attends some behavioral classes.

    Greta Thunberg is simply a teenage activist reacting to the world’s environment around her. Climate is changing the world but apparently “educated” people like Mnuchin can’t see that.

  • Stupid Things Republicans Just Said

    Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) accuses House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) of “defending Soleimani”. How stupid can McCarthy be. We don’t think anybody in the entire House, either Republican or Democrat, would even hint at such a thing. Attacking a fellow congressperson in such a way is complete ignorance and disrespectful. Sure, go ahead and vote no, Kevin MacCarthy, but don’t divide the nature by your incendiary remarks. 4

    McCarthy seems ready and willing to hand over the Constitutional authority that gives exclusive powers to the Congress. McCarthy seems to want to take a seat somewhere in the White House rather than the Capital. The current resolution simply enforces the Congressional Research Service’s statement, “Constitutional Authority Statements and the Powers of Congress: An Overview”. 5 McCarthy simply seems to be a puppet of the President.

    Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says “… you’re empowering the enemy” if you vote for the resolution. 6 We are not sure if Lindsey Graham ever read the resolution. 7 We can just see the image of Graham bowing down to King Trump as the nuclear button is pushed.

    Doug Collins (R-GA) said “They [Democrats] are in love with Terrorists”. 8 You must be kidding! You must be stupid to think such a thing.

  • Trump Strikes a Hornet’s Nest

    Trump's chess board

    It looks Trump is starting a war with Iran. Hundreds of our young men and women are now being sent to the middle east to protect US assets.

    “It’s like hitting a hornets’ nest with a baseball bat,” said Robert Baer, a former CIA case officer in the Middle East and veteran of clandestine operations. “You don’t do it unless you’re ready to go to war with the hornets.” 6

    Both Republican and Democratic administrations showed careful avoidance of this kind of confrontation that might escalate into war with Iran. But Trump’s erratic decision making process has changed all that.

    Trump’s mistake of pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal was a big mistake. Now he and the United States will be paying for it. All because Trump is trying to undo everything good that President Obama tried to accomplish including healthcare.

  • OMG – Trump’s National Debt is Sky Rocketing

    Do Be Fooled by Trump’s Lies

    Voo-doo Magic

    So you think the economy is doing great? That’s what Trump and many in his administration would like you to think. The national debt in the U.S. has increased more than 10% since President Trump took office in January of 2017 with the deb-to-GDP ratio approaching 110% in 2019. 8

    Although Trump said he would be reducing the national debt, it is now sky rocketing. Sure, reduce taxes but then what funds the government? Borrow, borrow, borrow. It is what brought on Trumps many bankruptcies and probably what will cause serious problems in the United States.

    When Congress spends more than it takes in, the debt increases. If you did this with your personal budget, you would be in real trouble. If you want to shake in your boots, read the Congressional Budget Office report titled, “The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2019-2029.”

    The report states: “Real GDP is projected to grow by 2.3 percent in 2019—down from 3.1 percent
    in 2018—as the effects of the 2017 tax act on the growth of business investment wane and
    federal purchases, as projected under current law, decline sharply in the fourth quarter of 2019.” 9 10

    Think twice when Trump says the economy is doing great.

  • This Week’s Webmaster Tip – GDPR

    The European laws are changing. Although the United States is a bit behind, we are sure they will be catching up. European law now states that web publishers must include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) warning which gives visitors information about cookies and other forms of data storage that might be contained within their websites.


    Our platform for developing websites is usually WordPress. One of our favorite plugins to help comply with the GDPR is Cookie Notice for GDPR by dFactory. Used by over a million websites, it is one of the easiest to install and work with. It includes lots of features for linking to your Privacy Policy, colors, and positioning of the notice.

    Additional Information

    European Commission

    Find out what your organisation must do to comply with EU data protection rules and learn how you can help citizens exercising their rights under the regulation directly from the European Commission’s Rules for Business and Organizations. This page, in English, is an excellent FAQ featuring most questions commonly asked.

    In Review