Category: General

  • The Earth is Warming Up Big Time

    It is NOT a hoax. Checkout the data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Although the Trump White House has scrubbed all information regarding climate change from their website, the facts are the facts. 1 2

    Infographic: Earth is Heating Up | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista
  • Wow! Look What We Spend On Healthcare!

    There are many reasons why the healthcare system in the United States is so expensive, but it is eye opening to realize that the per individual expensive we pay is almost double to that of any other country.

    Infographic: The U.S. Has the Most Expensive Healthcare System in the World | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

  • The Second Amendment is an instrument of government. It’s not about hunting or gun collecting or carrying your pistol into the saloon.

    What does the Second Amendment really say?

    The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution doesn’t just say Congress shall not infringe the right to “keep and bear arms.” It specifically says that right exists in order to maintain “a well-regulated militia.” Even the late conservative Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia admitted those words weren’t in there by accident. Oh, and the Constitution doesn’t just say a “militia.” It says a “well-regulated” militia. 3

    Take the time to read the Federalist Papers No. 29. Are we too ignorant about what the framers of the Constitution were trying to tell us? It may take you an hour, but please read Federalist Paper No. 29 thoroughly.

    And there’s a reason absolutely no gun extremist will ever direct you to that 1788 essay because it blows their baloney into a million pieces. 4

  • The Swamp is Filling Up with Lobbying Money Under Trump

    Notice how lobbying money increases under Republican administrations. Money DOES influence our politicians.

    Infographic: Lobby Spending Rises Again under Trump | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

    U.S. President Trump promised his voters in the election campaign before he took office that he would “drain the swamp” of outside influence in Washington. The Statista chart suggests that he did not succeed when it comes to lobbying activities: both the number of registered lobbyists and their total annual expenditures increased during Trump’s term. Under Democratic President Obama, the number of lobbyists had previously fallen sharply, whereas it had risen under Republican George W. Bush. 4 5

  • Banking Alternatives

    Piggy Bank - Banking Alternatives - Connert Media
    Banking Alternatives

    In this age of big banks, there may be some alternatives you wish to explore.

    • IGO Banking – Online banking with iGObanking® is the simplest, smartest way to actively control your money. Whether you open a high interest checking or savings account online, or invest in a high yield CD, iGObanking gives you online banking convenience and a competitive return on your investment.
    • Varo Banking – Bank fees and low rates make saving harder than it has to be. With no fees, high rates, and auto-savings tools, we make saving easy.