Category: General

  • Bassett Desk and Hutch for Sale

    Bassett Furniture for Sale in the City of Maricopa, Arizona, area.

    If interested, drop us a note using our Contact Page.

    Bassett Furniture For Sale

    Bassett Furniture For Sale

    Bassett Furniture For Sale
    Four pull-out drawers

    Bassett Furniture For Sale

    Bassett Furniture For Sale

    Bassett Furniture For Sale

    Bassett Furniture For Sale

    Bassett Furniture For Sale
    Pull-out keyboard tray which hides completely when pushed in
    Bassett Furniture For Sale
    Keyboard tray with area for CPU which is also a pull-out with AC strip

    Bassett Furniture For Sale

    Bassett Furniture For Sale
    Rear (or guest-side) doors for even more storage.
    Bassett Furniture For Sale
    Pull-out CPU area with AC strip for easy store of tower type computer unit


  • Trump – Our First Illegitimate United States President

    Why do we say this?

    The Law - JusticeHe Thinks He Is Above The Law

    • USA Today – Donald Trump should not assume he’s above the law. A sitting president can be indicted
    • The Week – Trump is suggesting he’s above the law — and you should be outraged
    • Reuters – Trump, deemed ‘not above the law,’ faces legal storm
    Hillary Clinton won the popular vote - Image from Wikipedia
    Hillary Clinton won the popular vote – Image from Wikipedia

    Lost by three million of the popular vote.

    Trump World is full of Lies

    He Values Money over the Country

    • Aljazeera – Trump’s foreign policy: Follow the money: Making money has been the guiding principle of Trump’s foreign policy decisions.
    • Curbed – Trump condo sales indicate possible money laundering, says report: More than a fifth of all Trump condo sales were all-cash transactions by shell companies
    • Forbes – Trump’s Biggest Potential Conflict Of Interest Is Hiding In Plain Sight

    He Acts Guilty

    • The Week – If Trump is innocent, why is he acting so guilty?
    • The CT Mirror – Himes: Trump ‘is not acting like an innocent party’
    • Vanity Fair – Wall Street is Sick of Trump’s Act: “The Comey firing is actually dispositive,” one Wall Street C.E.O told me. “Unlike the rest of this stuff that is going on . . . this is different. It feels different.”

    The Destruction of America

    • The Hill – Trump’s all-out war on the poor
    • Washington Post – How Trump’s budget helps the rich at the expense of the poor
    • Atlantic – Inequality Between America’s Rich and Poor Is at a 30-Year High: The economic distance between the nation’s wealthiest and everyone else has been growing.

    Making the United States a Second Rate Power

    Surrounded by Crooks

    Alienated our Allies


  • Aspiring Speakers by Art Fettig

    Just have a fantastic message that will somehow benefit the members of the audience.
    Just have a fantastic message that will somehow benefit the members of the audience.

    My First Professional Speech

    I can remember the day I heard my first professional speaker giving a talk for our railroad group in Battle Creek, Michigan. His name was Herb True Ph.D. and that same day he put me on his team as a humor writer. That meeting changed my life. Many hundreds of times when I was out on the road giving speeches I was approached by members of the audience and they too had a burning passion to become a professional speaker. What is the secret? Pretty simple, really. Just have a fantastic message that will somehow benefit the members of the audience. Oh yes, if you want to be paid a high fee then you had better be the best speaker in the field on that topic and have a brilliant marketing approach.

    Speaking is similar to becoming a successful artist, author, actor, musician, photographer, comedian or even news broadcaster. Many believe they are called but very, very, very few are chosen.

    I have always felt that I was blessed…First to meet Herb True that day and then to have the drive to wade through all of those years of rejection as a part-time author and humorist.

    Could I make a success of it starting out today? I seriously doubt it. Not with my high-school formal education. Not with the competition that is out there today.

    When they started The National Speakers Assn. there were only around three hundred people they could round up who considered themselves “Professional Speakers.” I’ve heard that today there are over a hundred thousand. I believe it.

    Of course there are a lot more slots for professional speakers to fill but still the competition is awesome.

    So what is my advice to aspiring speakers? Don’t try it unless you absolutely have to. If you figure that you won’t be able to take another breath unless you are out there striving as a speaker go for it…but…don’t quit your day job.

  • A Joyous Celebration of Diversity

    Speeches and Celebration following Arizona's adoption of Same-sex marriage, October 17, 2014.
    Speeches and Celebration following Arizona’s adoption of Same-sex marriage, October 17, 2014.

    Couple robin (from left) and Renee Reece listen to Joe Connolly and Terry Pochert speak to a crowd of gay-marriage supporters in Phoenix on October 17, 2014, after gay marriage was legalized in Arizona.

  • Maricopa, Arizona, Home For Sale – CLICK HERE FULL DETAILS

    Fabulous home for sale in Maricopa, Arizona
    20135 N Leo Ln, Maricopa, AZ 85138

    AZ Arizona Realty Group
    480-639-8567 Terry Anderson
    602-689-2354 Lori Zurcher
    Website and MLS Listing:

    Province Governing Documents required by the HOA Condominium/Planned Community Addendum

    Design Guidelines (2016) Revised 01/15/2017
    Rules and Regulations (2015) Revision 8
    CC&Rs (03-08-2004) and 1st amendment (02-18-2010)
    Contact Information
    Monthly Financials 03-31-2018
    Blanket Insurance Policy (2017)
    2018 Budget
    2017 Reserve Study