Category: General

  • Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens

    Incorporated in 1974, Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens is a non-profit organization designated as the Area Agency on Aging for Region V, which encompasses Pinal and Gila counties. PGCSC’s mission is to assist seniors and persons with disabilities in Region V achieve and maintain self-sufficiency with dignity, and offer choices of appropriate care by providing a wide range of community and home based services. [1]


    1. Official Website
  • Fixing Soft 404 Errors


    In your Google Search Console, view your Soft 404 errors.

    Google Search Console

    What causes Soft 404 errors?

    • Pages that do not have the 404 error header
    • Massive redirects on the cover
    • Thin content

    Solution Robots.txt : Modify the robots.txt file

    If you find these types of errors, you have an easy solution, just add a few lines to your robots.txt file so that the results pages of internal searches are not indexed like this:

    Change from:

    Disallow: /?s=
    Disallow: /search/


    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /wp-admin/
    Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
    Disallow: /?s=
    Disallow: /search/

  • Students: Know Your Rights

    Bullhorn - DemonstrationFrom the ACLU website and email newsletter:

    Students around the country are turning last week’s heartbreaking school shooting in Parkland, Florida into an inspiring push for change. In addition to grieving the lives of 17 classmates, students have met with the President, spoken their minds to Members of Congress, and taken to the streets and the internet. This is an incredible example of what people power looks like – what the First Amendment feels like in practice.

    In the past few days, we’ve heard from students, parents, and teachers asking what students’ rights are – and whether schools can discipline students for speaking out.

    Plans for coordinated student walkouts have been making national news and have already spurred disciplinary threats from some school administrators. That’s why we think it’s so important that everyone learns about their rights. [1]

    Click Here for information about the Thursday, March 1, 2018, 8pm ET, phone call.

    You’ll hear from student leaders and members of the ACLU legal team, like me, on our constitutional right to free speech and expression, and what it means for students who want to speak out. We’ll also share some details on how to report any possible First Amendment violations so that our team can track what’s going on around the country.

    We’re inspired by the leadership and courage that students across the country have shown in response to the tragic shooting at Stoneman High School.

    Whether you’re a young person or a parent, teacher, school staff or ally, we hope you’ll join us to learn about students’ rights. [1]

    Students: Know Your Rights!
    Thursday, March 1
    8pm ET / 5pm PT


    1. PeoplePower
  • Senior Exercises for People Over 60

    Senior Excerises

    Exercise for People Over 60

    Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side.

    With a 5-ob potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides ad hold them there as long as you can.  Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.

    each day you’ll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.

    After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags.  Then try 50-lb potato bags and eventually to to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute.  (I’m at this level).

    After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag.


  • IMPACT – Environmental Reports – Our Ocean’s Reefs

    It’s no news that the planet’s rain forest are on the verge of extinction. But now conservationists say we may also be decimating their undersea equivalent. The world’s coral reefs are in danger. Environmental reporter Stephanie Abrams reports on a subsurface look at the problem and what can be done to help.

    Stephanie says that WE can help protect the reef by not buying coral jewelry or putting coral from reefs in our fish tanks at home. The folks at your aquarium shop can suggest alternatives.