Category: General

  • Limiting Dashboard Access in WordPress

    Remove Dashboard Access - WordPress Plugin
    Remove Dashboard Access – WordPress Plugin

    If you are using a subscription based website which has basic subscribers who only need to edit their provide when they login, the “Dashboard” link in the left navigation panel appears.  This “Dashboard” link can cause confusion to those other than editors and administrators.

    A nifty little plug is called Remove Dashboard Access by Drew Jaynes (DrewAPicture) might be just the trick you need.

    The settings option for this plugin are only available on the Plugin page so don’t look for a navigation link on the left side.

  • A Bit of WXYZ History

    Created by Megan Saunders and by Erik Smith, this wonderful summary of the history of WXYZ is a winner.  Many of the folks at the Reunion on September 21, 2013, missed seeing this presentation because of a technical snafu and missing adapter, but it’s here for you to see.  Please enjoy and we welcome your comments.


    1. YouTube – WXYZ Reunion History by Megan Saunders and Erik Smith

  • Arizona 347 – Most Dangerous Road in Arizona

    A major artery into and from the City of Maricopa to the metro Phoenix area is one of the most dangerous roads in the State of Arizona.


    Speeders: It’s not unusual to see people going over and estimated 100 miles per hour weaving in/out of traffic.  Very little traffic control because of lack of enforcement personnel.

    Southbound at Riggs: Trucks and cars use right should to make right turns driving down the right should for at least a mile.

    Northbound at Cement Plant: Trucks don’t stop when making a right turn (north) on AZ 347 even when they have a red light.  Although, there is an acceleration lane, cars slam on their brakes thinking they are turning in front of them.  Trucks should always make a stop before making a right turn on red.

    Riggs Light Remaining Red:  Even with no cross traffic, Riggs stays Green for as long as 43 seconds without traffic backing up cars going north and/or south bound on 347.

    Accident at Riggs going south on AZ347 - January 26, 2018 6:30pm
    Accident at Riggs going south on AZ347 – January 26, 2018 6:30pm
    Accident leading into Maricopa - January 26, 2018 6:26pm
    Accident leading into Maricopa – January 26, 2018 6:26pm
    June 14, 2017 – 4:16pm

    Arizona 347The nightmare of AZ 347

    AZ 347 Accident - December 15, 2017
    AZ 347 Accident – December 15, 2017
  • Connert Media Supports Net Neutrality

    Do it now!

    Don’t let the President, Congress or the FCC destroy the Internet

    This is very important especially for individuals and small business trying to survive in this technological age.

    Take two minutes of your time:

    1. On your computer, not your phone, go to:
    2. Under Proceeding enter the numbers 17-108.
    3. Enter your name and address. You need the entire zip code, including the four digits at the end.  You can find the additional four digits at USPS.
    4. In comments, say “I support Title 2 oversight of ISPs. I also support net neutrality.”

    You MUST press ENTER (return key) after your name or the form will keep re-setting.
    Don’t be silent. Do it now. It’s simple and quick. Pass it on.


    1. Wikipedia – Net neutrality

  • Aiken Schenk Honored at HRC Gala

    It began with a simple question. In December 2013, as Shawn Aiken and his wife arrived at their church in Tempe, Arizona, Joe Connolly, a fellow church member, asked Shawn whether he knew any lawyers who might be interested in challenging Arizona’s ban on same-sex marriage. Shawn thought about and discussed the case with his wife, Lynn, and decided that he did know a firm that would represent Joe and his husband, Terry Pochert—his own.

    On January 6, 2014, less than a month later, his law firm, Aiken Schenk Hawkins & Ricciardi P.C., filed a lawsuit on behalf of Joe, Terry, and other Arizona couples, asking to strike all Arizona’s laws prohibiting same-sex marriage. On October 17, 2014, the Hon. John W. Sedwick found that Arizona’s ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional and that Arizona must recognize all marriages entered into in other states. In just ten months, Aiken Schenk had delivered on its promise. As a result, all Arizonans would have the freedom to marry the person they loved.

    Aiken Schenk acknowledges the decades of hard work done by the LGBT community, especially Lambda Legal, HRC Arizona, Why Marriage Matters, ACLU, and others who laid the groundwork for Arizona’s (and the country’s) shift on same-sex marriage.

    Aiken Schenk thanks the courageous clients who risked their privacy for the betterment of their community: Joe Connolly, Terry Pochert, Chris Devine, Mason Hite, Clark Rowley, David Chaney, Holly Mitchell, Suzanne Cummins, Meagan Metz, Natalie Metz, Renee Kaminski, Robin Reece, Jeff Ferst and Peter Bramley.

    Finally, Aiken Schenk acknowledges the invaluable contributions of the members of the entire legal team, all of whom were instrumental in winning this historic lawsuit against the State of Arizona: Aiken Schenk attorneys Heather Macre and William Knight; Flagstaff co-counsel Mik Jordahl and Ryan Stevens; Ellen Aiken, a Scottsdale attorney; and, Phoenix attorneys Mark Dillon, Susan Bovee, and Herb Ely. Shawn thanks his family, especially his wife, Lynn, for her constant love and support; and, his son, Eric, a law student, and daughter, Ellen, both of whom contributed to the result in the case.

    The lawyers at Aiken Schenk Hawkins & Ricciardi practice in the areas of business litigation, personal injury, bankruptcy, estate planning, and asset protection. The firm celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.