It’s always a great time at Shields Pizzeria in Southfield, Michigan, when it nears the holiday season. Many staff, alumni and friends gather to reacquaint.

Photo by Wanda Doerner
It’s always a great time at Shields Pizzeria in Southfield, Michigan, when it nears the holiday season. Many staff, alumni and friends gather to reacquaint.
TV Technology, December 19, 2012 – “CINCINNATI — WXYZ, the Scripps affiliate in Detroit, has earned the Alfred I. duPont-Columbia Award, one of the television industry’s highest honor in journalism. The honor recognizes the community-changing success of “Wayne County Confidential: Government Run Amok,” WXYZ’s years-long investigative series focused on politics in Wayne County, Mich.
Investigative journalists Heather Catallo and Ross Jones broke the story of former Wayne County Economic Development Director Turkia Mullin’s $200,000 secret severance package. Their investigations also revealed other secret severance deals, a political machine fueled with county resources and global travel for county officials funded by secret donors.”[1]
TV news director.
WXYZ: News Director
WXYZ: Chase Snead writes in Detroit Memories:
I was a Producer/Director with Channel 7 from 1951 to 1970. Wow, were those great times.[1]
Personnel mentioned in article: George Pierrot, Dick Femmel, Bob Bean, Dennis Glen Cooper
WXYZ: Mailroom.