Harry Greener, ?????, Glenn Bar, Andrea Parquet, Donella Crawford, ?????, Steve Kremer, ?????, Al Upchurch, ?????, Glenn Therrien, ?????, Terry Owens – Photo from Terry Pochert’s retirement collection

Harry Greener, ?????, Glenn Bar, Andrea Parquet, Donella Crawford, ?????, Steve Kremer, ?????, Al Upchurch, ?????, Glenn Therrien, ?????, Terry Owens – Photo from Terry Pochert’s retirement collection
WXYZ: TV News Photojournalist, Videographer. Retire on January 29, 2016, after 37 years working for WXYZ-TV.
Scott Wolan – Used with Permission of the Photographer, Wanda Doerner.
Scott Wolan – Used with Permission of the Photographer, Wanda Doerner.
WXYZ: TV engineering, news ENG editor. Died May 9, 2015.
Sports has always been a fun part of broadcast news. Among many others, the following photo from the Chris Huebner retirement collection is a group that always worked well together.
John Cwikla, Angela Tangalos, Chris Huebner and Stu Klitenic
WXYZ: TV engineering, editing.