Category: Marriage Equality

  • “It’s Over”: Couples in Lawsuit Elated

    Arizona Republic writes, “Clark Rowley had already settled behind his desk at work Friday morning when a e-mail arrived from a familiar Phoenix law office.”[1]


    1. Arizona Republic, October 18, 2014, Shawn McKinnon – “It’s over”: Couples in lawsuit elated – Challengers of Arizona’s statute express joy, relief (PDF Page 5A)

  • A Day to Celebrate

    Arizona Republic writes, “The history of the United States is one of expanding rights, and basic civil rights have been given to same-sex couples.” [1]


    1. Arizona Republic, October 18, 2017 – A day to celebrate (Institution of marriage stronger now – Horne won’t appeal; same-sex couples can create lasting, legal unions) (PDF Page 1A, PDF Page 5F)

  • Reactions to the Legal Ruling

    Arizona Republic reports, “Plaintiffs in Arizona lawsuits to overturn the gay-marriage ban celebrate; clergy is divided over court decision.” [1]


    1. Arizona Republic, October 18, 2014, Michael Clancy – Reactions to the legal ruling (Arizona clergy members divided over change in law) (PDF Page 1A, PDF Page 5A)

  • AG Horn Declines to Challenge 9th Circuit

    Arizona Republic reports, “Arizona on Friday [October 17, 2014] joined the historic tide legalizing the unions of same-sex couples that has swept the nation, expanding gay rights in a direction many never thought they would see in their lifetimes.” [1]


    1. Arizona Republic, October 18, 2014, Alia Beard Rau – AG Horne declines to challenge 9th Circuit (PDF Page 1, PDF Page 3)

  • Arizona Supreme Court Rules on Equal Parental Rights

    ABC 15 reports, “The Arizona Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that a lesbian woman who is divorcing her spouse is entitled to equal parental rights under the U.S. Constitution, even though a state law doesn’t recognize those rights.” [1]


    1., September 19, 2017 – Arizona Supreme Court says gays get equal parental rights