Category: News

  • Senior Exercises for People Over 60

    Senior Excerises

    Exercise for People Over 60

    Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side.

    With a 5-ob potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides ad hold them there as long as you can.  Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.

    each day you’ll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.

    After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags.  Then try 50-lb potato bags and eventually to to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute.  (I’m at this level).

    After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag.


  • Most Americans Don’t Want the Wall

    Brick Wall - Border WallCan you imagine what 80 billion dollars can do to provide infrastructure for the United States, improve electronic surveillance of our borders, hire additional manpower for security, etc.

    Of course, Mexico WILL NOT pay for it.  Don’t fool yourself.

    People who leave near the border don’t want it. [1]



    “If we have to close down our government,” President Trump said at his rally in Phoenix on August 22, 2017, “we’re building that wall.”

    1., November 22, 2016 – Americans who live near border say Trump’s wall is unwelcome
    2. Pew Research Center, February 24, 2017 – Most Americans continue to oppose U.S. border wall, doubt Mexico would pay for it
    3. Think Progress, April 6, 2017, Esther Yu His Lee – Majority of Americans oppose funding Trump’s border wall – The wall likely won’t stretch ‘sea to shining sea.’
  • Israel v Hamas – Solutions?

    Stop the blame, stop the suspicion.

    Refugee Camps – Create UN monitor refugee camps just inside Israel border with facilities for women and children until conflict eases. This would include health, food, sanitation. Allow Palestinians to stay if they also work in the healthcare facilities and food services.

    UN Schools Have Israel Teachers – Allow sympathetic Israel citizens to enter Gaza and assist as teachers in the UN school facilities. These teachers can serve as assistant instructors but also monitor the school and neighboring buildings for weapon storage. Having Israel people embedded in these school would provide added incentive for these facilities not to be bombed.

    Off Site Forums – Create young adult forums right here in the United States each with 10 Palestinians and 10 Israelees. Pay for full travel, food and hotel. For 30 days, let them scream, talk and stare at each other. After 30 days, send them safely back. Even if nothing comes of this, it puts a “face” on the problem. Do this over the next 10-20 years over and over again.

  • YOU Can Help Block the Attack on Abortion Rights in the Trump Tax Scam

    Credo Action writes:

    Republicans attack abortion rights whenever and wherever they can. Right now, it is through the Trump Tax Scam.

    It is not enough that the bills moving through Congress would make deep cuts to the social safety net and raise taxes on middle- and lower-income families – all while giving Trump and his wealthy friends trillions in handouts. They would also strike an intentional blow to abortion rights by enshrining the language “unborn child” into the federal tax code. [2]

    Senate Democrats must push back on this attack on women with everything they’ve got. They should be calling out Republicans’ attempt to inject anti-abortion politics into the tax code and pledging to block any tax bill that contains the unborn child provision. If we speak out now, we can make sure this issue does not get lost among all the other horrible things in the tax scam. Can you add your name today?

    The article closes with a challenge:

    Senate Democrats, along with any Republican with a conscience who cares more about women than party politics, must shut this latest attempt down. Help make sure they know we are expecting them to stand strong for women’s rights and block right-wing Republican extremists’ sneak attack on abortion.


    1. Credo Action, November 18, 2017 – Tell the Senate: Block the attack on abortion rights in the Trump tax scam
    2. Emily Peck, “Senate Republicans Shoehorn Anti-Abortion Measure Into Tax Bill,” HuffPost, Nov. 14, 2017
  • Are the Republican Evangelicals Now Standing Behind Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX)? Another Scandal?

    Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX)
    Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) – Official Congressional Photo

    Shame for Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX)

    Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.), who apologized Wednesday for a lewd photo of him that circulated on the Internet, told a woman to whom he had sent sexually explicit photos, videos and messages that he would report her to the Capitol Police because she could expose his behavior, according to a recording reviewed by The Washington Post. [1]

    Rod Dreher with the conservation website, The American Conservative, says:

    Look, I don’t understand how anyone with the sense God gave gravel does something like this. But a 68-year-old grandfather and senior Republican politician who has run for years on a reputation of “conservative family values”? Joe Barton is a fool and a fraud. If he had a shred of dignity, he would resign and spend the rest of his life trying to restore himself in the eyes of his four children and five grandchildren. [3]


    1. The Washington Post, November 22, 2017, Mike DeBonis and Elise Viebeck – Congressman on tape tells woman he would report her to Capitol Police because she could expose his secret sex life
    2. Wikipedia – Joe Barton
    3. The American Conservative, November 22, 2017, Rod Dreher – House Of Horrors: Member Joe Barton’s Member