Category: News

  • President Obama’s Wise Words to “45”

    Read the full text of President Obama to “45”

    Dear Mr. President –

    Congratulations on a remarkable run. Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure.

    This is a unique office, without a clear blueprint for success, so I don’t know that any advice from me will be particularly helpful. Still, let me offer a few reflections from the past 8 years.

    First, we’ve both been blessed, in different ways, with great good fortune. Not everyone is so lucky. It’s up to us to do everything we can (to) build more ladders of success for every child and family that’s willing to work hard.

    Second, American leadership in this world really is indispensable. It’s up to us, through action and example, to sustain the international order that’s expanded steadily since the end of the Cold War, and upon which our own wealth and safety depend.

    Third, we are just temporary occupants of this office. That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions — like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties — that our forebears fought and bled for. Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it’s up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.

    And finally, take time, in the rush of events and responsibilities, for friends and family. They’ll get you through the inevitable rough patches.

    Michelle and I wish you and Melania the very best as you embark on this great adventure, and know that we stand ready to help in any ways which we can.

    Good luck and Godspeed,
    BO [1]


    1. CNN Politics, September 3, 2017, Kevin Liptak – Exclusive: Read the Inauguration Day letter Obama left for Trump
  • WXYZ Employee News – Beverly Carr

    by Tom Waniewski, Associate Producer/Writer, News Department

    She’s a psychologist. She’s a public relations pro. She’s a calming voice for many angry soap opera fans whose shows are erased by a Presidential news conference.
    “And l have a black belt in shopping,” jokes Beverly Carr.

    Beverly Carr is the phone operator. Tucked into a cement comer between the newsroom and the videotape library, Beverly packs as much power in her index finger as E.T. She channeled an important news tip 10 the producer’s desk. Someone called and said former Michigan Representative Dennis Dutko in fact committed suicide.

    “l told the caller I would let him talk to someone in the newsroom,” Beverly said. “I knew the guy wasn’t some kook. I told him whatever he does, don’t hang up. I put the call right through to the producer’s desk.” Dukto in fact committed suicide. Channel 7 was the first station to break into regular programming with that news bulletin. It was the lead story on every Detroit station that night.

    Beverly CarrBeverly also provides advice, helpful hints and calms angry viewers. She has a folder filled with information the news department puts on the air. “I try to answer a lot of questions. I try to keep the simple calls out of the newsroom. calls that I have the answers to. I give advice that doesn’t get me in trouble. You have to have a lot of patience and be as pleasant as the callers will allow you to be,” says Beverly. And what if the caller doesn’t allow her to be so pleasant? ··If they’re swearing at me. I hang up on them,” she says.” And I don’t like heavy breathers. I’ll send them right into operator land!” I told you she had as much power as E.T.

    “She has the hardest job here,” says 5 o’clock Producer, Glenn Therrien.

    “I love it,” Beverly says as if to savor the challenge. “It’s exciting. It’s not a boring job. I really have a lot of fun.”

    Twenty-three (23) Januaries ago, the thought of fun brought Beverly to WXYZ. It was A cold but sunny day,” Beverly recalls. “l walked in and said I wanted to work here. I thought it’d be a fun place to work. It beat working for a steel company.”

    And while most of Beverly’s years at Channel 7 have been fun, not every day is a picnic in the-park. “I was here during the Detroit riots in the 60’s. I worked day and night, went home for a little sleep and came back.

    Things didn’t calm down for three days. We told people not to leave their homes. People kept calling. They wanted some assurance, someone they could actually talk to. I told them to stay home, things would be alright.”

    Since then, Beverly bas seen eight different Vice Presidents and General Managers at WXYZ. She’s watched technology change her work tools from old cord switchboards to her present System 75 computer phone. And she’s made a lot or friends. “l found a home here. There is a great family of people here. A lot of my co-workers have become good friends.”

    Beverly has three children, four grandchildren, “and a wonderful, retired husband.” She’s been married to Jack for 18 years. She’s planning a vacation with her sister to Yugoslavia. And she’s seen Dirty Dancing 28 times!

    If you want to talk with Beverly, maybe it’s best to call her. Right, Beverly?

    “Just a minute; I have to answer this … Channel 7 … You want 10 be in commercials?! Well, what I think you should do …. “

  • Pie Eating Contest at the Station

    Yes, it’s real strawberries.

    Glenn Therrien – From Terry Pochert’s retirement collection (background) ?????, ?????, Geoff Pekarek, John Gildersleeve
    Glenn Therrien
    Glenn Therrien – From Terry Pochert’s retirement collection