Category: News

  • Earl Pochert’s Last Letters Before His Death at the Battle of the Bulge

    Earl Pochert
    Earl Pochert

    During a very complicated battle near the end of World War II, American forces advanced toward Germany in a very intense war called the Battle of the Bulge.  The lives lost were many and included my uncle, Earl Pochert.

    In a letter written to his brother and sister-in-law (my parents), Earl wrote about the “hell” of war.

    Earl Pochert died on January 3, 1945, (the actual date is a bit uncertain because of the nature of the deaths and the ability to identify the bodies).  The following letter was written on December 27, 1944.  This was just a few days before he died.

    To my understanding, the letter took some time to arrive in the United States most likely well after the notification of his death to his parents (my grandparents) .  You can image the emotion of the readers.

    The letter was talked about before my enlistment in the Air Force.  My parents stressed the importance of the pledge that I made when enlisting.  I’m sure this letter and the fact that myself and my brother, Kurt Pochert, who entered the Navy, made a big impact on their concern for their sons.

    Earl Pochert

    Copyright 2016 – Connert Media, Inc.

    Earl Pochert

    Copyright 2016 – Connert Media, Inc.

    Earl Pochert

    Copyright 2016 – Connert Media, Inc.

    Earl Pochert - Grave
    Earl Pochert - Death Notice
    Earl Pochert
    Earl Pochert Memorial Service – The Times Herald
    Port Huron, Michigan
    06 Feb 1945, Tue • Page 10 –


  • Auto Insurance Premium Too High?

    Highway Lights
    Image by Florian Kurz from Pixabay

    COVID-19 is changing so much on how we do things.  Many of these processes may just be with us even after the pandemic is over.  Such things include online shopping, preparing more meals at home, outdoor eating at restaurants.  One idea that is catching on is a new way of automobile insurance.  Instead of paying at rates determined by others within certain zip codes the alternative is simply to install a small device in your care and pay insurance based upon how many miles you drive.  With many people working at home, this may be the future.

    Call your current automobile insurance company to see if they offer such an option.  One option is Metromile among others.  Do your research to see if this is an option.

  • Trump Lawyers Abusing the Court

    Judge issues humiliating smackdown of Trump lawyers in court. Lawyers used a web form on the Internet to collect unsubstantiated affidavits which they then used to con a judge with these fake documents. Lawyers like this should have their license to practice revoked.

  • The Shame of the Trump Administration

    March 3, 2017 – The Trump administration is considering a proposal to begin separating children from their mothers at the border as a way to deter future migrants, Reuters reports. The policy would allow the government to keep parents in custody while they await asylum hearings or contest deportation.

    Southeran Proverty Law Center

  • Your Support is Need – The DAV (Disabled American Veterans)

    We can use your help – Click Here

    The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) is an organization created by the United States Congress for disabled military veterans of the United States Armed Forces that helps them and their families through various means.

    The Disabled American Veterans Organization provides service free of charge through a nationwide network of 88 DAV National Service Offices, 38 Transition Service Offices, 198 DAV Hospital Service Coordinator Offices, 52 state-level DAV Departments, 249 DAV VA Voluntary Service Representatives, and more than 1900 local DAV Chapters.