Category: News

  • Pandemic Far From Over

    Infographic: Pandemic Far From Over as Daily Case Toll Plateaus | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista


    • The Washington Post, September 11, 2020 – Blood plasma looked like a promising covid-19 treatment. Then Trump got involved. – The president’s politicized rollout of a plasma authorization triggered a backlash, disrupting a business coalition’s carefully honed message.
  • I AM No “Loser”


    I don’t consider myself a “loser”, nor will I ever be a “loser”. My service in the military was a honor for me to serve my country. I cherish living in the United States and my few short years in the military was a sacrifice I will take again if they would allow a 72 year veteran to re-enclist.

    I’m so ashamed of our President.

  • It’s Time To Lock Him Up

    In there own words…

    liar, narcissist, race baiting, xenophobic,r eligious bigot, mean spiritedness, con artist, orange faced windbag, kook, unfit for office, AND MORE

    All These Conservatives Knew Who Trump Really Was All Along: Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Kellyanne Conway, Mike Pompeo, Glenn Beck, Rick Perry, Susan Collins.

  • The Quilt by Art Fettig

    Art Fettig - The Quilt
    Art Fettig with Quilt from daughter Amy

    Amy, my daughter in San Diego, a very busy bi-lingual BSN Senior Case Manager and a Blue Ribbon Award winning quilter extraordinaire, has created a wonderful quilt for me to wrap up in when I doze in my Lazy Boy rocker. She named it  “Growth Unlimited” .  What a memorable gift! What a blessing! What a labor of love. 

    On a panel on the quilt she tells how I would walk down to the waterfall on the Kalamazoo River there in Battle Creek. There I would find a stone and toss it with a plunk, as far as I could throw it. The falling stone would come in contact with the topmost layer of the water and create echo rings around the entry point into the river. Ever enlarging ripples would  form, round and round, bigger and bigger as they spanned out. Then,  pushed by the current, they moved nearer the waterfall’s edge and passed over it into the abyss.  Just then I would say “I want to reach a million people with my words.” And then I would recite The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. 

    Amy also lovingly dedicates the quilt to David Gregory Fettig, my son and her brother (2/18/60 to 3/21/16) whose shirts add the patchwork of colors sewn into blocks that form the ripple pattern on the front of the quilt with the Growth Unlimited (logo) tree formed with more blocks on the back.  

    When I wrap myself up in the quilt I can feel all those ripples and  joyous memories of those struggling years of visiting that inspiring waterfall come back to me. 

    Thank you Amy for such a gift chock-full of love.

  • Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) Resigns from Bread for the World

    Rep. Yoho (R-FL) Resigns

    Ted Yoho resigns from the board of Bread for the World after meetings with the president of the organization, Rev. Eugene Cho.

    Bread for the World released a statement: 1

    Bread for the World Statement Regarding Rep. Ted Yoho’s Verbal Attack on Rep. Ocasio-Cortez

    Washington, D.C. – Bread for the World today released the following statement regarding Rep. Ted Yoho’s verbal attack on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

    “Bread for the World is deeply concerned about Rep. Ted Yoho’s verbal attack on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and what we and others perceive to be his non-apology.

    “Bread for the World is concerned that his behavior in the past few days does not reflect the values of respect and compassion that Jesus calls on us to exhibit every day and we expect from our board members. Before we determine any further action, we have reached out to his office and have sought an opportunity to speak with him about the incident.”

    The Situation

    In a confrontation overheard by a reporter Monday outside the Capitol, Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) called Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) “disgusting” and told her “you are out of your freaking mind” for describing poverty as a root cause of crime, prompting the congresswoman to later condemn what she described as Yoho’s “virulent harassment” of her. 2

    Ocasio-Cortez slams Yoho’s explanation of foul-mouthed confrontation