Category: News

  • Mnuchin Mocks Thunberg

    Greta Thunberg – European Parliament from EU

    While speaking to reporters at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin mocks Greta Thunberg. Reporters asked Mnuchin about Thunberg. His reply, “Is she the chief economist or who is she? I’m confused. After she goes and studies economics in college, she can come back and explain that to us.” 1 2 3

    Wow! Perhaps Mnuchin should take some lessons in manners after the attends some behavioral classes.

    Greta Thunberg is simply a teenage activist reacting to the world’s environment around her. Climate is changing the world but apparently “educated” people like Mnuchin can’t see that.

  • Mitch McConnell and wife, Elaine Chao, Embroiled in Controversary

    Corruptions - McConnell - Chao
    Power seems to corrupt.

    Kentucky Voters Turning Their Backs on McConnell and Chao

    Vanity Fair reports, “Last month, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stonewalled a plan to fix the nation‘s roads, bridges, mass transit, and other crumbling infrastructure, despite the urgency of the issue and the outline of the deal receiving rare support from both Democrats and the White House. But, as it turns out, McConnell isn’t opposed to all infrastructure spending. In fact, he’s quite open to it when it‘s flowing specifically to towns in his home state, thanks to a special arrangement with the Transportation Department set up by his Cabinet secretary wife.”4

    Husband of new federal judge, Wendy Vitter, serves as lobbyist for Russian oligarch’s company

    MSNBC, May 21, 2019 – Rachel Maddow notes how the dots connect awkwardly for Mitch McConnell after the wife of the lobbyist who alerted McConnell to a huge Russian investment in Kentucky was suddenly processed for a federal judgeship for which she is not qualified.5

  • How Packaging Can Confuse the Customer

    Take for instance, Cheribundi’s Tart Cherry Juice.   Well, it’s really NOT 100% cherry juice.  Notice in dark red letter over the black background it says “with reconstituted apple juice”.  It is a good product, but notice that they have a clever designer.


    Cherry Juice

    Take a closer look.  Yes, it says “with reconstituted apple juice”.  But do you think the ordinary customer sees that?  Very clever, uh?

    Cherry Juice Inset
    “with reconstituted apple juice” – Dark Red over Black

    Okay, now flip to packaging to the side.

    Cherry Juice
    Side Panel Label

    Look near the bottom of the Nutrition Label.

    Cherry Juice
    What is really in the container.

    Here it says “Tart Cherry Juice (not from concentrate), Apple Juice (Apple Juice Concentrate, Water)

    Cherry Juice
    At first glance, what do you think is in the bottle?

    Anybody “thinking” they are getting 100% cherry juice really isn’t getting what they might think.  Clever packaging really sells apple juice and water.

  • $100,000 for Chewing Gum or Smoking an e-Cig

    Yup, in Singapore.


    1. Bloomberg, Andy Mukherjee, February 21, 2018 – Singapore’s New Chewing Gum – Banning heat-not-burn tobacco devices is illogical on many levels.
    2. Singapore Government, January 3, 1992 – Chewing Gum is Banned
  • You Probably Experience the Coriolis Effect Every Day

    ToiletThe Coriolis Effect

    Without knowing it, you probably experience the Coriolis Effect every day while going through your normal routines.

    Whether you are in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere, water flowing in large volume circulates in a certain direction due to the motion and axis of the earth.

    This affects water, clouds, wind.  Generally, because of the small volume, it doesn’t affect water in sinks, bath tubs, or toilets.

    But doesn’t it affect toilets also?

    No, generally the flow in toilets is determined by the physical valve structure of the flush routine which “forces” the water in a certain direction.


    1. Library of Congress – Does water go down the drain counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere?
    2. Opera of the Dvandom, Dave Van Domelen – A (Hopefully) Simple Explanation of the Coriolis Force