Forrest Gump was right. “Stupid is as Stupid does.” Arizona Republicans showed “Stupid Does” by trying to find proof of Donald Trump’s Big Lie that the election was stolen from him through massive voter fraud. After wasting over $425,000 in taxpayer money, the five-month Republican “audit” of the Arizona election showed Joe Biden won last year’s election—by an even wider margin than the official vote count showed. Biden gained 99 votes. It also showed Trump lost—by an even wider margin than the official vote count showed. Trump had 261 fewer votes. Trump is a loser—and so are members of his Republican cult.
Category: Newsletter
Why Do Catholic Bishops Want to Make Communion Political?
“In a pivotal moment for the U.S. Catholic Church, Pope Francis just said, “I have never denied Communion to anyone.”
The pope appears to be taking direct aim at top U.S. bishops, whose Committee on Doctrine is in the process of writing a new document on the Eucharist — a document rooted in the partisan desires of right-wing bishops who want to deny Communion to Joe Biden and other pro-choice lawmakers.” 1
Fear: It’s Fox “News” Stupid!
Read or Listen to the entire article on The
Brad Friedman – The [Source:] It’s The Fox ‘News’, Stupid! (Or, How a Fake News Channel Broke America): ‘BradCast’ 9/17/2021
Guest: Kevin Drum of Mother Jones; Also: U.N. warns current pledges to cut emissions not enough to avoid catastrophic warming; Wildfires now threaten world’s largest, 3,000 year old trees at Sequoia National Park…“After spending several years combing through data and theories, Drum finds, while some of those things certainly play a role, none of them are actually the poison that that has brought the nation to the seeming brink of political collapse. He explains how both data and history prove it, and how the real answer has been lying in plain sight for the past twenty years. It’s the Fox ‘News’, stupid!” 2
Howard Stern: Equates Vaccine Mandate as “Freedom to Live”
-, Timothy Bella, September 9, 2021 – Howard Stern blasts unvaccinated Americans, casting vaccine mandate as ‘freedom to live’
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