Category: Personnel

  • Elliott, Patricia


  • Eisen, Jeremy

    WXYZ: TV news producer and weather team

    WWL: Meterorologist

    Jeremy Eisen Joins WXYZ-TV/Channel 7 Weather Team

    SOUTHFIELD, Mich., Sept. 24, 2007 /PRNewswire/ — WXYZ-TV/Channel 7 announced  today that Meteorologist Jeremy Eisen will join Action News. WXYZ-TV News  Director, Andrea Parquet-Taylor made the announcement which becomes  effective on Monday, September 24.

    Recruited from New Orleans, Louisiana at WWL-TV where he served as a  meteorologist for their morning and noon newscasts, Eisen has done  extensive storm coverage and live reports.

    Eisen got his broadcasting start in Jackson Mississippi, before moving  to his first station in Wichita Falls, Texas. Before joining WWL-TV, Jeremy  hailed from the Gulf Coast in Acadiana, LA where he gained substantial  experience in tropical systems.

    Eisen, who has received numerous Associated Press Awards for breaking  weather, has also been honored with the American Meteorological Society  Seal of Approval; distributed to individuals who produce accuracy, clarity  and effective communication in meteorology work. Jeremy received his degree  from Florida State University in Meteorology.

    Eisen and his wife Kristy have one daughter.

    The E.W. Scripps Company (NYSE:   SSP) is a diverse and growing media  enterprise with interests in national cable networks, newspaper publishing,  broadcast television stations, electronic commerce, interactive media, and  licensing and syndication.

    The company’s portfolio of media properties includes: Scripps Networks,  with such brands as HGTV, Food Network, DIY Network, Fine Living, Great  American Country and HGTVPro; daily and community newspapers in 17 markets  and the Washington-based Scripps Media Center, home to the Scripps Howard  News Service; 10 broadcast TV stations, including six ABC-affiliated  stations, three NBC affiliates and one independent; Scripps Interactive  Media, including a leading online search and comparison shopping services,  Shopzilla and uSwitch; and United Media, a leading worldwide licensing and  syndication company that is the home of PEANUTS, DILBERT and approximately  150 other features and comics.



  • Pierce, Kristin

    Kristin PierceWWL: Anchor / Reporter

    WXYZ / WMYD: Reporter

    WDIV: Associate Producer



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  • Basil, Darra

    WXYZ: 2007- Promotions Coordinator

    WVMV: 2006-2007


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  • Biscoe-Bailey, Doris

    WXYZ: TV news talent, anchor and reporter from1975-2000 on Channel Seven, Detroit.  Feature reporter at WGPR-FM, 107.5

    Doris Bisco

    Doris doing one of thousands of interviews while at WXYZ-TV, Detroit.  Photo used with Doris’ permission.  Read more about blacks who helped to define radio [TV] in Detroit by reading Ken Coleman’s book, “Soul On Air” available at

    Doris Biscoe

    Dors Biscoe
    Doris Biscoe in National Geographic


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    • Last known addresses: Clarkston, MI; Suitland, MD