“The Republican Party is pushing the nonsensical “independent state legislature theory,” which could give state legislatures complete control of congressional redistricting and federal elections. Under their theory, it is possible that neither governors, nor courts, nor independent commissions get any say in the process. And now, conservative justices on the U.S. Supreme Court have agreed to hear a North Carolina case that tests this new legal “theory.”
One can only imagine what the redistricting process will look like if we lose this fight. Shameless Republican state legislatures will create maps that exclude marginalized communities and pack them into districts to dilute their vote. They will make the process closed off and unavailable to the wider public, just like the chaotic and undemocratic process in Texas.
At All On The Line, they have worked tirelessly for the past years to encourage states to make their redistricting process fair and transparent. To support the use of independent commissions in the redistricting process. To include communities that have been excluded in the past and need a voice.”