Category: Politics
Christians Being Killed as Trump Continues US Pull Out
As of October 11, 2019, already Christians are being killed in the Turkey’s assault on on Kurdish-held areas in northeast Syria. 5
Trump warned Turkey that he would, “destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey” if they did anything he considered off limits. Apparently kill Christians does not quality and the blood appears to be on Trump’s hands. 6
Many Evangelical Christians are appalled by the latest administration’s actions. Many are now changing their support of what appears to be a very corrupt administration.
Front line military folks along with many veterans are ashamed that we have deserted the Kurds and handing Syria over to the Russians. The US, once the friend of the Kurds, have now turned its back on this once valuable “friend”.
Europe will not probably enherit over 3.6 million refugees fleeing this war zone. 7
SHAME on Trump and the GOP who blindly follows this corrupt administration.
Our duty is to protect our people and our land. pic.twitter.com/MoDOU5xi87
— SyriacMilitaryMFS (@SyriacMFS) October 10, 2019