Category: Politics

  • Devin Nunes (R-CA) Possible Ethics Probe

    Devin Nunes coming under increasing suspicion. 1 2 3 4

  • The Irishman Didn’t Kill Jimmy Hoffa by Vince Wade

    The Irishman Didn’t Kill Jimmy Hoffa by Vince Wade

    Investigative Reports by Vince Wade


    Vince Wade with Bob Garrity
    Vince Wade Reporter Vince Wade interviewed retired FBI agent Bob Garrity about the Hoffa investigation for a special report on the 20th anniversary of the disappearance of former Teamsters president Jimmy Hoffa. The interview was in front of the restaurant where Hoffa was last seen. (Photo from video by WJBK-TV Fox2, Detroit)

    “Martin Scorsese’s new gangster film epic, “The Irishman” would seem to be a slam-dunk winner. It has an all-star cast, featuring Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci. It showcases state-of-the-art special effects which have “de-aged” De Niro and Pacino. And Scorsese is widely regarded as one of the best directors in Hollywood. But the film has one big problem. The film story line is not true.” – Vince Wade

    Read Vince Wade’s full commentary – Originally published November 24, 2019.


  • My Name is Vince Wade

    My Name is Vince Wade

    Investigative Reports by Vince Wade

    Delusional Donald
    Vince Wade

    “A perceptive, smart-ass newspaper columnist named H.L. Mencken made that prediction in 1920, nearly a century ago. Unfortunately, he was right. We have a pathological liar and narcissistic moron in the Oval Office [Trump 2016-2020]. He admires ruthless dictators. He lies as a way of life. He is one grand jury away from criminal indictment when he leaves office. We don’t know when that may be, because he’s being investigated for possible articles of impeachment for what appears to be a gangster-like shakedown of the President of Ukraine.” – Vince Wade

    Read Vince Wade’s full commentary – Originally published November 15, 2019.


  • Christians Being Killed as Trump Continues US Pull Out

    Christians Slaughtered

    As of October 11, 2019, already Christians are being killed in the Turkey’s assault on on Kurdish-held areas in northeast Syria. 5

    Trump warned Turkey that he would, “destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey” if they did anything he considered off limits. Apparently kill Christians does not quality and the blood appears to be on Trump’s hands. 6

    Many Evangelical Christians are appalled by the latest administration’s actions. Many are now changing their support of what appears to be a very corrupt administration.

    Front line military folks along with many veterans are ashamed that we have deserted the Kurds and handing Syria over to the Russians. The US, once the friend of the Kurds, have now turned its back on this once valuable “friend”.

    Europe will not probably enherit over 3.6 million refugees fleeing this war zone. 7

    SHAME on Trump and the GOP who blindly follows this corrupt administration.

  • Thank You Trump for Destroying Free Trade and Send US Farmers Into Bankruptcy

    Although China is again buying some soybeans, it will take many years to regain solid relations while China continues to buy from Brazil and other countries. 8 9

    Infographic: Who Has Reacted to U.S. Tariffs? | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista