Category: Politics

  • Connert Media Supports Veronica Escobar

    Veronica Escobar
    Veronica Escobar

    Vote For Ethics and a Voice for Immigration

    Veronica Escobar is a third-generation El Pasoan who has dedicated herself to the betterment of the community. She is proud to have served as County Judge where she was able to have an extraordinary impact on the lives of El Pasoans.

    Judge Escobar expanded access to affordable healthcare through her support of the El Paso County Hospital District, which has provided vital services for the community and built two new, modern clinics that provide primary care to some of the poorest El Pasoans. She was also instrumental in the foundation of El Paso Children’s Hospital, the only stand-alone children’s hospital on the border. [1]


    1. -Democrat for Congress for the State of Texas
    2. El Paso Children’s Hospital

  • Students: Know Your Rights When Demonstrating

  • US Citizens Demand Common Sense Gun Laws

    Gun Control
    You must VOTE OUT those who are controlled by MONEY rather than Common Sense

    Beginning with:

    • We need to ban automatic weapons. Raising the age isn’t good enough.
    • We need to ban bump stocks and similar accessories.
    • We need to pass universal background checks and close the gun show loophole.
    • We need to make sure those with a history of violent crimes cannot get their hands on a gun.

    This DOES NOT interfere with any law abiding sane citizens’ Second Amendment rights.

    Are you listening Archie Bunker?

    Money from the gun lobby to your political representatives.  Who says this doesn’t revolve around money?  It IS all about money. [1]


    1. Politico, Updated 02/21/2018, Tyler Fisher, Sarah Frostenson and Lily Mihalik – The gun lobby: See how much your representative gets
  • Does This Remind You of “45”?

    A 1940’s Dr. Seuss political cartoon criticized Americans for not caring about the deaths of foreign children. [1]

    It sounds like history is repeating itself with our current administration and their attitude toward DACA, the Dreamers.  Notice the words on the lady’s sweater.

    One prominent rumor accurately held that Anne Frank was one of many Jewish children denied entry to the United States in the early stages of World War II, and as a result she (like others) died in the Holocaust. [1]

    Dr. Seuss - Immigration Cartoon
    Published in PM Magazine – October 1, 1941


    1. Snopes, Fact Check, November 23, 2015, and January 27, 2018
    2. The Atlantic, January 31, 2017, Sophie Gilbert – The Complicated Relevance of Dr. Seuss’s Political Cartoons – The children’s author’s early works have been finding a new audience among those opposed to the “America First” policies of President Trump.
  • Most Americans Don’t Want the Wall

    Brick Wall - Border WallCan you imagine what 80 billion dollars can do to provide infrastructure for the United States, improve electronic surveillance of our borders, hire additional manpower for security, etc.

    Of course, Mexico WILL NOT pay for it.  Don’t fool yourself.

    People who leave near the border don’t want it. [1]



    “If we have to close down our government,” President Trump said at his rally in Phoenix on August 22, 2017, “we’re building that wall.”

    1., November 22, 2016 – Americans who live near border say Trump’s wall is unwelcome
    2. Pew Research Center, February 24, 2017 – Most Americans continue to oppose U.S. border wall, doubt Mexico would pay for it
    3. Think Progress, April 6, 2017, Esther Yu His Lee – Majority of Americans oppose funding Trump’s border wall – The wall likely won’t stretch ‘sea to shining sea.’