Category: Reck, Ross; Dr.

  • We All Need to Throw Kindness Around Like its Confetti


    Lady GagaLady Gaga recently said that, “Kindness is showing love to someone else. I believe that kindness is the cure to violence and hatred around the world.” This being the case, kindness is not something that should be horded or conserved. Rather, kindness is something that should be spread with wild abandon like it’s confetti! Kind acts, things like smiling at someone you meet, holding the door for someone, letting someone cut in front of you in traffic, paying someone a compliment or providing an encouraging word to someone who is down, cost nothing and they make everyone involved feel happy. There are no negative side effects for being kind; they’re all positive.

    As Emily Frisella put it on Twitter: “KINDNESS: It’s gluten free, dairy free, non-GMO, organic, soy & nut free, vegan, iifym, clean, keto, peleo & vegetarian. Try it. You’ll love the results.” And, it makes the world a much better place. – Ross Reck, PhD


    • Turning Your Customers into Long-Term Friends: The Secret Sauce that Guarantees Repeat and Referral Sales [Kindle & Paperback Editions]

      Now Available from for $15.99

      Turning Your Customers into Long-Term Friends by Ross Reck
      Available from

      There’s only one way to become an outstanding success as a salesperson. It’s called repeat and referral sales. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling cars, real estate, insurance, pharmaceuticals, financial services or farm equipment. If you don’t focus your efforts on generating repeat and referral sales, you’re going nowhere as a salesperson.

      Furthermore, there’s only one way in which you can get your customers to provide you with continuing repeat and referral sales and that’s by turning them into long-term friends. Let me give you an example: Joe Girard was a car salesperson for Merolis Chevrolet in Detroit. For 12 straight years Joe was listed in The Guinness Book of World Records for being the world’s best new car salesperson. During his final year of selling cars, Joe sold 1,425 new Chevrolet cars and trucks! That’s 1,425 new Chevrolet cars and trucks sold by a single salesperson during one calendar year! How did Joe do it? The answer is simple. 65% of his sales were to repeat customers and the other 35% were to customers who were referred to him by his repeat customers.

      So, the year that Joe Girard got into The Guinness Book of World Records for selling 1,425 cars, how many cars did he actually sell? The answer is NONE! His customers sold them for him. Why? Because Joe took the time to turn each of his customers into a long-term friend. As Joe put it, “I stand in front of my product as well as behind it.” In other words, before you could buy a car from Joe, you first had to buy Joe. He wouldn’t let you buy a car from him until he turned you into a friend. Then, after you bought a car from Joe and you experienced a problem either with the car or someone at the dealership, Joe went to bat for you and personally saw to it that the problem was resolved to your satisfaction. Joe also made it a point to stay in touch with his customers after they bought a car from him; he didn’t forget about them and he made sure they they knew it. Yes, Joe truly loved his customers and they loved him back by providing him with enough repeat and referral sales to make it possible for him to sell more than 13,000 cars in 12 years.

      As Joe said in his book, How to Sell Anything to Anybody, “All of my customers these days are people who ask for me by name. All of them.” You too can enjoy the same level of success as Joe Girard once you stop focusing on making sales and start focusing on turning your customers into long-term friends.

  • Ross Reck: Be Careful Who You Listen To


    Listening SculpturesThere’s no shortage of people who like to give advice–in fact, many people thrive on it.  It seems like everywhere you turn there is someone who is eager to dispense their rendition of how you should do your job or live your life.  These people try to pass themselves off as experts and often times, what they have to say sounds pretty convincing.

    There’s no question that sound advice can really speed up the learning process and move you more quickly toward your goals, but how do you know who to listen to?  As a rule of thumb, unless the person has already achieved something you want to achieve or excels at something you want to excel at, you’re probably better off if you politely ignore their advice, no matter how convincing it sounds. – Ross Reck


  • Ross Reck: A Life Lesson From Babies: They Have No Fear Of Failure

    Baby / Child Walking
    First steps

    First Steps

    Human beings start out in life with absolutely no fear of failure.  Take learning how to walk, for example.  We repeatedly failed over and over in our initial attempts, but we got back up and tried again with smiles on our faces.  The same thing happened when we learned how to ride a bike.  Growing up, it was through our failures that we learned how to master many of life’s challenges.  Unfortunately, a lot of people forget this important life lesson as they mature into adults and begin to fear failure.  As a result, they lose their zest for taking risks and trying new things which means they stop learning and growing.  When this happens, their effectiveness as a person levels off as does their enthusiasm for life.

    What this means is that a life free of failure really isn’t much of a life.  So, if you want to increase your chances for success and experience life more fully, take those steps, risk the falls and see where life takes you.  I guarantee you’ll be glad you did. – Ross Reck


    • Turning Your Customers into Long-Term Friends: The Secret Sauce that Guarantees Repeat and Referral Sales [Kindle & Paperback Editions]

      Now Available from for $15.99

      Turning Your Customers into Long-Term Friends by Ross Reck
      Available from

      There’s only one way to become an outstanding success as a salesperson. It’s called repeat and referral sales. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling cars, real estate, insurance, pharmaceuticals, financial services or farm equipment. If you don’t focus your efforts on generating repeat and referral sales, you’re going nowhere as a salesperson.

      Furthermore, there’s only one way in which you can get your customers to provide you with continuing repeat and referral sales and that’s by turning them into long-term friends. Let me give you an example: Joe Girard was a car salesperson for Merolis Chevrolet in Detroit. For 12 straight years Joe was listed in The Guinness Book of World Records for being the world’s best new car salesperson. During his final year of selling cars, Joe sold 1,425 new Chevrolet cars and trucks! That’s 1,425 new Chevrolet cars and trucks sold by a single salesperson during one calendar year! How did Joe do it? The answer is simple. 65% of his sales were to repeat customers and the other 35% were to customers who were referred to him by his repeat customers.

      So, the year that Joe Girard got into The Guinness Book of World Records for selling 1,425 cars, how many cars did he actually sell? The answer is NONE! His customers sold them for him. Why? Because Joe took the time to turn each of his customers into a long-term friend. As Joe put it, “I stand in front of my product as well as behind it.” In other words, before you could buy a car from Joe, you first had to buy Joe. He wouldn’t let you buy a car from him until he turned you into a friend. Then, after you bought a car from Joe and you experienced a problem either with the car or someone at the dealership, Joe went to bat for you and personally saw to it that the problem was resolved to your satisfaction. Joe also made it a point to stay in touch with his customers after they bought a car from him; he didn’t forget about them and he made sure they they knew it. Yes, Joe truly loved his customers and they loved him back by providing him with enough repeat and referral sales to make it possible for him to sell more than 13,000 cars in 12 years.

      As Joe said in his book, How to Sell Anything to Anybody, “All of my customers these days are people who ask for me by name. All of them.” You too can enjoy the same level of success as Joe Girard once you stop focusing on making sales and start focusing on turning your customers into long-term friends.

  • Ross Reck: It’s The Roughest Road That Usually Leads To The Top

    Rough Road
    Rough road?

    The Roughest Road

    It’s the roughest road that usually leads to the top.  Why?  Because it’s loaded with new challenges and experiences that enable you to learn, grow and expand your comfort zone.  Successful people understand this, which is why they rarely take  the easy way out of any challenging situation.  They know that the rough road will require more effort and involve a bit more stress.  They also know that they’ll come out of the experience a more confident and effective person.

    So the next time you’re faced with a challenging situation, remember the following cause and effect sequence:  The rougher the road, the quicker you learn, the more confident you become and the faster you’ll achieve the success you’re looking for. – Ross Reck


    • 100% Employee Engagement Guaranteed! Newly Revised [Kindle & Paperback Editions]

      Now Available from for $15.99

      Kindle and Paperback Editions available from

      Imagine a workplace where every employee is engaged with their work … where every employee shows up each day excited about giving every bit of energy, creativity and passion to performing their job. These employees don’t need to be motivated because they already are and they channel their motivation toward creating a competitive edge for their company that can’t be easily copied. They’re constantly making innovative changes to products, services and customer experiences while providing superior levels of customer service which results in loyal customers. This means higher levels of repeat and referral business which, in turn, translates into significant increases in market share. In addition, absenteeism and turnover rates for these fully engaged employees are far below industry averages because they absolutely love what they do. This book presents a new management model that guarantees an employee engagement level of 100%. If you implement this model in your organization, every one of your employees will become engaged with their work; all working at their full potential. Think of what it would mean to the success of your business or organization if you could get all of your employees engaged with their work.

  • A Life Lesson From Golf

    GolfLearn and Grow

    A professional golfer once informed me that the biggest reason most golfers’ scores don’t improve much is that they tend to play with other golfers whose skill levels are roughly the same as their own.  As a result, there’s no one to learn from, so there’s no growth or improvement.

    The same holds true for other aspects of life:  people tend to surround themselves with others who are at the same level as they are.  While this makes for a very comfortable situation, there’s no one to learn from, so there’s no opportunity for growth.  This is not to say that you shouldn’t hang out with people you’re comfortable with, but also make some room in your life for people you can learn from–people who are going to challenge you and force you to expand your comfort zone.  I recently came across a quote that I think is appropriate:  “Successful people continue to learn and grow while unsuccessful people think they already know.” – Ross Reck


    • Turning Your Customers into Long-Term Friends: The Secret Sauce that Guarantees Repeat and Referral Sales [Kindle & Paperback Editions]

      Now Available from for $15.99

      Turning Your Customers into Long-Term Friends by Ross Reck
      Available from

      There’s only one way to become an outstanding success as a salesperson. It’s called repeat and referral sales. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling cars, real estate, insurance, pharmaceuticals, financial services or farm equipment. If you don’t focus your efforts on generating repeat and referral sales, you’re going nowhere as a salesperson.

      Furthermore, there’s only one way in which you can get your customers to provide you with continuing repeat and referral sales and that’s by turning them into long-term friends. Let me give you an example: Joe Girard was a car salesperson for Merolis Chevrolet in Detroit. For 12 straight years Joe was listed in The Guinness Book of World Records for being the world’s best new car salesperson. During his final year of selling cars, Joe sold 1,425 new Chevrolet cars and trucks! That’s 1,425 new Chevrolet cars and trucks sold by a single salesperson during one calendar year! How did Joe do it? The answer is simple. 65% of his sales were to repeat customers and the other 35% were to customers who were referred to him by his repeat customers.

      So, the year that Joe Girard got into The Guinness Book of World Records for selling 1,425 cars, how many cars did he actually sell? The answer is NONE! His customers sold them for him. Why? Because Joe took the time to turn each of his customers into a long-term friend. As Joe put it, “I stand in front of my product as well as behind it.” In other words, before you could buy a car from Joe, you first had to buy Joe. He wouldn’t let you buy a car from him until he turned you into a friend. Then, after you bought a car from Joe and you experienced a problem either with the car or someone at the dealership, Joe went to bat for you and personally saw to it that the problem was resolved to your satisfaction. Joe also made it a point to stay in touch with his customers after they bought a car from him; he didn’t forget about them and he made sure they they knew it. Yes, Joe truly loved his customers and they loved him back by providing him with enough repeat and referral sales to make it possible for him to sell more than 13,000 cars in 12 years.

      As Joe said in his book, How to Sell Anything to Anybody, “All of my customers these days are people who ask for me by name. All of them.” You too can enjoy the same level of success as Joe Girard once you stop focusing on making sales and start focusing on turning your customers into long-term friends.