Category: Religion

  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

    Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

    2022 Churchwide Assembly

    Follow the Live Stream Starting August 8th

    ELCA Churchwide Assembly

    The 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly will be held in Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 8-12, at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. We gather under the theme, Embody the Word. There’s an importance in the double meaning of the two words:

    • Embody, meaning both the incarnation of Jesus Christ and the life of the church emerging from a pandemic.
    • Word – both meaning Jesus Christ and scripture

    Luke 24:45 states, “Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures.” We embody the Word, both Jesus and the scripture, by speaking it and proclaiming it. In 1522: Martin Luther’s translation of the New Testament made the Word accessible to the people and revolutionized the Christian movement worldwide. 500 years later, the call to make Jesus accessible to the people still exists today and as we look to the future of this church.

    The ELCA Churchwide Assembly, the primary decision-making body of the church, is a process of communal spiritual discernment. When the ELCA Churchwide Assembly convenes, its voting members meet with confidence in God’s grace around word and water, wine and bread, to carry on their work on behalf of the entire church. Over the course of the assembly, voting members:

    • Hear reports and review the work of churchwide officers, leaders and units;
    • Receive and consider proposals from synod assemblies;
    • Elect officers, board members and other leaders as specified by the constitution or bylaws;
    • Establish ELCA churchwide policy;
    • Worship together;
    • Adopt a budget; and
    • Conduct other business related to the ELCA churchwide organization.
  • Catholic Church Does It Again! Cruel Anti-LGBTQ Policies

    “Green Bay, WI, Bishop David Ricken has just implemented a new policy in diocesan schools that, among other measures, hatefully bans trans students and staff from using their preferred pronouns, clothing, and bathrooms.

    According to the Catholic LGBTQ organization New Ways Ministry, the policy also rejects the use of the words “lesbian” and “gay,” compares being queer to sexual abuse, and falsely accuses the LGBTQ community of trying to turn people gay.” 1

    “The Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin, released a new policy regarding LGBTQ students in its Catholic Schools that equates being transgender to being sexually abused.

    The Diocese, led by Bishop David Ricken, published the new gender policy last month in its Education Policy Manual for the 2022-2023 school year.” 2

  • Quote from Kristin O’Connell

    Quote from Kristin O’Connell

    Quote from Kristin O'Connell
    Quote from Kristin O’Connell
  • “Christian Nationalism” – A Cancer in America

    “Christian Nationalism” – A Cancer in America


    “Let’s be clear: Despite its name, Christian nationalism is not a religious viewpoint, and it is certainly not Christian. It is instead a political ideology, one that distorts the Gospel and ignores the Constitution by merging American and conservative Christian identities, all with the goal of building political power for the right wing at any cost.” 3

  • Rachel Maddow: Christian Nationalism’s Racist Past Precludes Revival Except Among GOP’s Trumpiest

    “Rachel Maddow looks at the racist, antisemitic roots of “Christian nationalism” as advocated by American politician Gerald L.K. Smith in the 1950s, and the renewed embrace of the tenets of that disgraced movement by supporters of Donald Trump like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Republican candidate for Pennsylvania governor Doug Mastriano.” Rachel Maddow Show, July 25, 2022