Category: Reminder

Sub category of Ross Reck.

  • Maintaining Relationships: High-Touch, Not High-Tech by Ross Reck

    Computer WomanWhile electronic communication makes it possible for us to exchange information rapidly, it falls short when it comes to the caring and feeding of personal relationships. Relationships occur between two people and people need periodic personal touches from the other person if the relationship to remain vibrant. So get out from behind your computer screen and visit some of these people in person just to say hi and ask how they’re doing. If you can’t visit them in person, at least phone them. Spend fifteen minutes a day doing this and watch how your personal productivity takes off. Today’s Example of the Week will illustrate this point. – Ross Reck[1]



  • Negative Comments Hurt Everyone

    Negative commentsNothing good ever comes out of negative comments.  They make you, the sender, look bad to the people observing your behavior.  They also make the receiver feel bad.  If you regularly dish out negative comments, don’t expect any of these people to give you their best efforts the next time you ask them for a favor. [1]

