Category: Home

  • Why Florida is Sinking into the Dark Ages

    Why Florida is Sinking into the Dark Ages

    Broken Florida

    Eliminating Diversity and Inclusion

    “Tuesday’s announcement was foreshadowed in December when the governor’s office asked all state universities to account for all of their spending on programs and initiatives related to diversity, equity and inclusion or critical race theory.” 1

    Fascism, Burning Books, and Banning What Your Children Read

    “It’s not just the ridiculous “Stop W.O.K.E. Act” or restrictions on discussing issues of gender and sexuality in early grades or last week’s decision not to allow an Advanced Placement African American Studies course to be taught in Florida high schools. Governor Ron DeSantis’s crusade against independent thought is leading to bare bookshelves in classrooms as teachers panic about whether their own classroom libraries violate state law.” 2

  • So You “Think” You Are A Christian?

    So You “Think” You Are A Christian?

    Turning Your Back

    “You can’t turn your back on the poor, the sick, the hungry, frightened, or desperate people seeking asylum at our border and still call yourself a pro-life Christian.” 3

  • I Was Born in Bad Axe, Michigan

    I Was Born in Bad Axe, Michigan

    Bad Axe

    I’m Proud to Love All Our Neighbors

    As a youngster born in Hubbard Hospital, I’m always proud to know that Bad Axe has some incredible neighbors during difficult times.

    Here is an amazing film that we encourage everyone to Rent/Buy and watch.

    Bad Axe

    BAD AXE captures a closely-knit Asian American family living in rural Michigan during the pandemic as they fight to keep their local restaurant and American dream alive. With rising racial tensions, the family uses their voice and must unite as they reckon with backlash from a divided community, white supremacists, and intergenerational trauma from Cambodia’s “killing fields.” – Directed by David Siev

    “You might not think there’s much to film in Bad Axe, Mich., a sleepy town of just over 3,000. But as the weeks of sheltering in place turned to months, Siev found himself at the center of an epic battle going on in towns across America: a philosophical clash over mask-wearing and other pandemic protocols, the Black Lives Matter movement and the impending 2020 election.” 4

  • Gender Discrimination in the Catholic Church

    Gender Discrimination in the Catholic Church

    Gender Discrimination

    Rules in the Catholic Church are applied differently for men and women.  A father can create a child out of marriage and keep HIS job, but a woman who creates a child out of marriage GETS FIRED.

    “Sarah Syring loved her job as an English teacher at a Catholic middle school in Louisville, KY — until she was fired for expecting a dearly desired child with her long-term boyfriend.

    The principal was supportive at first, assuring her that her job was safe — but then staff for the Archdiocese of Louisville intervened, and Syring was quickly terminated for violating church policy. The termination was likely illegal: Male teachers at the same school have been allowed to keep their jobs after breaking the same rules.

    Syring is now suing the archdiocese, saying that the church selectively enforced its rules against her while not enforcing them against male employees.

    For too long, conservative “purity culture” has punished women for their sexual choices and looked the other way while men do whatever they please. But there’s nothing “pro-life” about firing a teacher and taking away the livelihood of a newborn child’s family.

    Syring wants her job back, and she deserves our support. Let’s show the Archbishop of Louisville that Christians across the country are outraged by gender discrimination done in Jesus’s name!” 5

  • John Pavlovitz: An Apology to My Daughter

    John Pavlovitz: An Apology to My Daughter

    John Pavlovitz
    John Pavlovitz

    An Amazing Note to the Author’s Daughter

    “My Dear Daughter,

    I’ve been thinking about you ever since the news a few days ago.

    Every time I try to find the words to talk about this to you, they jumble all together, swelling up and getting stuck in my throat. Tears quickly well up in my eyes, and all I can manage is a barely audible, “I’m sorry.”” 6

    Read the Entire Letter On John Pavlovitz website