Category: Home

  • Arizona Republicans Forge False Election Papers

    Arizona Republicans Forge False Election Papers

  • Today I am Loved

    T.J. House
    Wikipedia TJ House with the Cleveland Indians in 2014

    “Former Major League Baseball player T.J. House came out as gay and announced his engagement to his partner, Ryan Neitzel, in an emotional social media post Thursday. …

    House said at the end of his post that he is “finally healing” after locking up who he was for more than 20 years. “Today I am Loved,” he wrote.” 1

  • Home Delivery Meal Planning Options

    Home Delivery Meal Planning Options

    This Actually Can Save You Money

    Hello Fresh

    Hello Fresh – One of our favorites. Generally folks sign up for weekly deliveries. The minimum is generally two meals for two people per week (four servings). They come in recyclable containers, most packed in ice to insure freshness which then can easily be stored in the refrigerator for a couple days until prepared. The enclosed printed instructions are generally easy to follow and can also be downloaded when you first add them to our cart so that you know what is required to prepare the meal before they actually are delivered.

  • What the Media Gets Wrong

    The main stream media tries very hard to get the facts correct but every once in while they get it wrong.

    LGBTQ rights are NOT a threat to religious liberty – When the Supreme Court and the media portray LGBTQ rights as a threat to religious liberty, it actually hurts the religious liberty of pro-LGBTQ Christians, including churches that celebrate marriage equality and ordain LGBTQ clergy. According to the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute, “Vast majorities of most major religious groups support nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people.” This includes more than 75% of Catholics of color, white Catholics, white mainline Protestants, Black Protestants, Jewish Americans, Muslims, Unitarian Universalists, Hindus, and Buddhists — and even 61% of white evangelicals. 2

    It could have been worse – Listen carefully to many inexperienced reporters say the phrase, “It could have been worse.” This is a terrible thing to say when a disaster hits and kills several people. This phrase must be erased from any reporter’s vocabulary.

  • How The Republicans are Trying To Destroy Your Voting Rights

    Republicans Limiting Your Voting Rights

    The Supreme Court is hearing oral argument for Moore v. Harper.

    1) Republicans are basing their argument on the “independent state legislature” (ISL) theory — a far-fetched legal theory that claims that state legislatures are the ONLY state entities with the power to regulate federal elections.

    2) If the Supreme Court sides with the power-hungry politicians in this case, the fair congressional map in North Carolina will be replaced with the gerrymandered map that the state court deemed unconstitutional.

    3) Worst case scenario, the ISL theory opens the door for power grabs by anti-democratic advocates and elected officials in other gerrymandered states. By claiming that state legislatures have exclusive power over federal elections, extremists in Republican state legislatures could effectively nullify state constitutional provisions that protect voters.

