Category: Home

  • Talking to Strangers can be a Lot More Fun than You Expect by Ross Reck

    Talking to Strangers can be a Lot More Fun than You Expect by Ross Reck

    Speech Bubbles

    An article in the New York Times by David Brooks points out that many of us have a strong reluctance to talk to strangers; especially in places like airplanes, commuter trains, airports or when we’re standing in line. Some of the reasons for this include that we think it will be awkward, dull, trying and not at all enjoyable. The reason we think this way is we tend to underestimate how much we will enjoy such encounters and how positively the stranger will respond. We tend to think that when a stranger is looking at us when we initiate a conversation that they’re assessing “our competence” as David Brooks writes. The reality is, they’re not assessing our competence at all. He writes, “They’re thinking about your warmth. Do you seem friendly, kind, and trustworthy? They just want to know you care.” Knowing this should remove some of our reluctance when it comes to talking with strangers which will make our lives richer and lots more fun.

    One Sentence Wisdom

    • “Good things happen when you meet strangers.” — Yo-Yo Ma
    • “There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.” — William Butler Yeats

    If you know of someone who you think would enjoy reading my Reminder, please forward it to them. Also, feel free to use this content in your own publications—newsletters, blogs, etc.


  • Trump “Classified” Folders Were EMPTY

    Where, oh where, did the original contents go?

    Mar-a-Lago Inventory (PDF)

  • Links for the Aviation Enthusiast

    Links for the Aviation Enthusiast

    Aviation Enthusiaist

    Travelling? You just might find these links helpful.

    Flightradar24 – Flightradar24 is a global flight tracking service that provides you with real-time information about thousands of aircraft around the world. – This is the place where travel experts share their tips and expertise to make you the expert. It’s also a place to have fun, explore, learn, and just kick back.

  • Why Do Republicans and Red States Hate Veterans?

    Why Do Republicans and Red States Hate Veterans?

    Wake Up America

    “Veterans do not have a say in where they are stationed, which makes it all the more critical that we keep raising our voices. No matter where someone is stationed for our country, they deserve to have the right to make their own choices regarding their own bodies. … GOP politicians are delusional if they think voters do not care about abortion.” 1

  • Offering to Take Photos for Strangers So Everyone Can Be in Picture is a Kind Act that Results in Pure Joy by Ross Reck

    Offering to Take Photos for Strangers So Everyone Can Be in Picture is a Kind Act that Results in Pure Joy by Ross Reck


    A friend and her husband were having dinner out when they noticed a couple seated at a table not far from them. The two people seemed happy as well as excited and were taking photos of each other. My friend walked over to them and asked if they would like her to take a photo of them so they could both be in the picture. Their answer was, “Would you? We just got engaged and are trying to capture the moment.” My friend took several photos with their camera and when she was finished, they were all smiles and couldn’t thank her enough. When she returned to her table, her husband was smiling having taken in the whole incident. Others in the restaurant who had seen the incident were smiling as well. My friend said that offering to take those photos elevated the mood of their entire evening. It was a kind act on her part that resulted in pure joy for everyone involved.

    One Sentence Wisdom

    • “Kindness is spreading sunshine into people’s lives regardless of the weather.” — RAKtivist
    • “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” — Robert Louis Stevenson

    If you know of someone who you think would enjoy reading my Reminder, please forward it to them. Also, feel free to use this content in your own publications—newsletters, blogs, etc.