Category: Home

  • Our Gun Control Hero – David Hogg

    Our Gun Control Hero – David Hogg

    Rebuffed by ultra right wing “Christian White Nationalists”, David continues to represent the unheard voices of those killed by gun fire in Parkland, Buffalo and El Paso.

    Bullies on National Media like Fox “no” News and bullies within our United States Congress like Andy Biggs (R-Arizona), a member of the Mormon church, mock and demean David Hogg’s outburst.

    How you can change the conversation

    • March For Our Lives
    • NBC News, Zoë Richards, July 20, 2022 – Activist David Hogg removed from House hearing on an assault weapons ban – Hogg interrupted GOP Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona who suggested the weapons offered protection against an “invasion” at the southern border.
  • There are a Lot of Kind People Out There

    There are a Lot of Kind People Out There

    A Reminder by Ross Reck


    A few weeks ago, I fell on my knee and ruptured the quadriceps tendon in my right leg. As a result, I spent two weeks in a hospital while the tendon was reattached. From the time I got there until the time I was discharged I was shown nothing but the utmost kindness from the hospital’s many healthcare professionals who took care of me—it was unbelievable! I also receive numerous phone calls, texts visits and cards from friends who wanted to make sure I was doing well. Before I came home, my wife Marcia was getting ready to mow the lawn when a neighbor came to her and said, “You have other things to think about, I’ll mow your lawn for you!” After returning home, the phone calls, texts, and visits started happening immediately. Meals began showing up as well—one person even baked a blueberry cake/pie for me!! So, if you’re one of those people who believes there are far more unkind people in the world than kind, I have to differ with you. My knee injury experience has shown me that I am surrounded by kind people who have made me so grateful for each of their actions.

    One Sentence Wisdom

    • “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” — The Dalai Lama.
    • “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” — Mother Teresa

    If you know of someone who you think would enjoy reading my Reminder, please forward it to them. Also, feel free to use this content in your own publications—newsletters, blogs, etc.


  • Laundry Detergent Sheets

    Laundry Detergent Sheets

    Save Our Planet Series

    Laundry Sheets
    Available from

    We found that almost nobody has heard of these products. But using these just might change how you do laundry in the future. Plus, it is another great way to bring laundry detergent with you as you travel.

    The packaging is “slightly” deceptive. The package contains ONLY 30 sheets. For most users one sheet is used but for small loads you would use 1/2 sheet. Just remember, the package ONLY contains 30 sheets. We still recommend this product.

    • THE SAME POWERFUL CLEAN – Earth Breeze will clean just as great if not better than leading brand detergent.
    • FORMULATED FOR SENSITIVE SKIN – Our Eco Sheets were made for your sensitive skin. This means they are hypoallergenic, vegan, bleach-free, paraben-free, and phosphate-free.
    • SAVE SO MUCH SPACE – Those big plastic jugs are bulky! You can fit 12 packs of Earth Breeze in the same space as 1 plastic jug.
    • DON’T WASTE – Laundry jugs come in giant plastic containers that take up to 1000 years to decompose. They even contain up to 90% water! Earth Breeze comes in plastic free packaging and uses the water from the machine to dissolve the sheets.
    • REDUCE CARBON FOOTPRINT – Earth Breeze package is so lightweight and compact that you will reduce your carbon footprint simply by switching from bulky, heavy detergent.

  • File Conversion – Online Options

    File Conversion – Online Options

    Time for a Change

    Frustrated when you receive a file that you cannot open on your computer. The first thing you should be aware of is that fact that many anti-virus programs may be blocking it from opening which means the file might be mean little “trigger” just waiting to cause you some harm. Our first reaction will be CAUTION.

    If you are sure this file is safe, you might want to consider using on online file conversion website.

    Zamzar Online has been in existence for well over 15 years and has a great reputation. There is a free version which allows converting files of a certain size. A paid version allows files much larger.

  • Featured Books: Motorcycling the Maritimes: A Healing Odyssey

    Featured Books: Motorcycling the Maritimes: A Healing Odyssey

    Motorcycling the Maritimes: A Healing Odyssey
    Available from

    By Clifton Melby

    It was August 9, 2015, still dark in the early hours of a cool Autumn Sunday morning. I was eager and excited about my second ride into the Maritimes with the route including both Newfoundland and Labrador, the two provinces I missed on my first visit. On my last ride there, while conversing with a total stranger in Nova Scotia, it seemed to me that I had been more than cordially invited but almost contracted to make this trip. Although it seemed very strange to me at the time, such was his influence.

    While on the ferry from North Sydney, Nova Scotia, to Argentia, Newfoundland, through the long dark hours of the night, a strange and haunting incident occurred. I healed from the physical injury of the incident in a few days, but mentally it proved to be a different matter. I had to share this in order to move forward. This was my inspiration to write this book. It is a work based almost entirely on my daily journal entries but also includes some fiction. While continuing on my ride, I began a lengthy healing process with the help of a very strange visitor.

    I am happy to say that today, this whole adventure is filed away safely in a good place. I find myself longing for yet one more visit.