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  • Kari Lake is Dangerous According to Arizona Democrats

    Danger - Ready to Explode

    In a recent email from Arizona Democrats they state, “Kari Lake is dangerous, Terry! A far-right, anti-science fanatic, she was a supporter of the dangerous and expensive elections “audit,” and continues to pander to Trump’s far-right base. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she recently called for Arizona’s legislature to pass Texas’ extreme abortion ban!

    Kari Lake is looking to do Trump’s bidding, and we won’t allow it. Arizona Democrats are leading the charge against Republican extremists. We will not sit by and watch our democracy succumb to their attacks, but we need you on our side.”

    Election Was a Fraud? Kari Lake Believes the Lies? Shameful!

    “Kari Lake, a former news anchor who is now the Trump-endorsed candidate for Arizona governor in 2022, told One America News on Friday that she “would not have certified” the votes had she been governor at the time. She cited debunked lies about “serious irregularities” that were spread by the likes of Rudy Giuliani, whom she noted was in Arizona “at that very moment” of certification. (A New York court suspended Giuliani’s law license this year for making “demonstrably false and misleading statements” about the 2020 election.) Lake previously told the Arizona Republic that Trump was “the real winner of Arizona.” Her latest comments follow the much-hyped and highly dubious “audit” authorized by Arizona’s state senate recently that nonetheless confirmed Biden’s victory in the state.” 1

  • Republicans Holding Our Military as Hostages

    1madmaxx80, “Daily reminder of how much Republicans hate America & Americans.”

    Dittzx, “If you waited for Mitch McConnell to throw you a rope if you’re drowning he would ask you for a debit card so you can pay him before..”

  • Kyrsten Sinema: Wine-Soaked Politics?

    More Shame Brought to the State of Arizona

    The Arizona senator’s wine-soaked politics offer a bold and colorful bouquet of disparate notes, with a hint of corruption. 2

    The centrist senator is key to President Biden’s agenda in Washington. Her positions have angered some Democrats back home. (PDF )3

  • Vince Wade Commentaries Does It Again: “Stupid is as Stupid does.”

    Vince Wade Commentaries

    Forrest Gump was right. “Stupid is as Stupid does.” Arizona Republicans showed “Stupid Does” by trying to find proof of Donald Trump’s Big Lie that the election was stolen from him through massive voter fraud. After wasting over $425,000 in taxpayer money, the five-month Republican “audit” of the Arizona election showed Joe Biden won last year’s election—by an even wider margin than the official vote count showed. Biden gained 99 votes. It also showed Trump lost—by an even wider margin than the official vote count showed. Trump had 261 fewer votes. Trump is a loser—and so are members of his Republican cult.


  • Why Do Catholic Bishops Want to Make Communion Political?

    Holy Communion

    “In a pivotal moment for the U.S. Catholic Church, Pope Francis just said, “I have never denied Communion to anyone.”

    The pope appears to be taking direct aim at top U.S. bishops, whose Committee on Doctrine is in the process of writing a new document on the Eucharist — a document rooted in the partisan desires of right-wing bishops who want to deny Communion to Joe Biden and other pro-choice lawmakers.” 4