Category: Home

  • Tax Cuts: More Lies from Trump, the Leader of the Republican Party

    Trump's Lies

    Trump said on January 20, 2021, “We also got tax cuts, the largest tax cut and reform in the history of our country, by far.”

    But that is a lie!

    Over and over again he makes this claim, but when his tax cut was finally crafted it was the eighth largest tax cut in the past 100 years. 1

  • Traitor: A History of American Betrayal from Benedict Arnold to Donald Trump

    Traitor: A History of American Betrayal from Benedict Arnold to Donald Trump by David J. Rothkoph
    Traitor: A History of American Betrayal from Benedict Arnold to Donald Trump by David J. Rothkoph – Available from

    Donald Trump is unfit in almost every respect for the high office he holds. But what distinguishes him from every other bad leader the U.S. has had is that he has repeatedly, egregiously, betrayed his country. Regardless of how Senate Republicans have let him off the hook, the facts available to the public show that Trump has met every necessary standard to define his behavior as traitorous.

    He has clearly broken faith with the people of the country he was chosen to lead, starting long before he took office, then throughout his time in the White House. And we may not yet have seen the last of his crimes. But the story we know so far is so outrageous and disturbing that it raises a question that has never before been presented in American history: is the president of the United States the greatest threat this country faces in the world?

    We also need to understand how the country has historically viewed such crimes and how it has treated them in the past to place what has happened in perspective. After his examination of traitors including Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, and leaders of the Confederacy, David Rothkopf concludes that Donald Trump and his many abettors have committed the highest-level, greatest, most damaging betrayal in the history of the country.

  • Fear: It’s Fox “News” Stupid!

    Read or Listen to the entire article on The

    Brad Friedman - The
    Brad Friedman – The [Source:]

    It’s The Fox ‘News’, Stupid! (Or, How a Fake News Channel Broke America): ‘BradCast’ 9/17/2021
    Guest: Kevin Drum of Mother Jones; Also: U.N. warns current pledges to cut emissions not enough to avoid catastrophic warming; Wildfires now threaten world’s largest, 3,000 year old trees at Sequoia National Park…

    “After spending several years combing through data and theories, Drum finds, while some of those things certainly play a role, none of them are actually the poison that that has brought the nation to the seeming brink of political collapse. He explains how both data and history prove it, and how the real answer has been lying in plain sight for the past twenty years. It’s the Fox ‘News’, stupid!” 2

  • Why Are People Leaving the Republican Party?

    Orange Cheetos

    The Party of Lies

    “Republicans seem to have decided that lying is their best option. Rather than risk the wrath of the disgraced former president, they lie about who won the election and who is responsible for the Jan. 6 insurrection. Rather than confront the donor class and anti-government activists who insists on plutocratic economics, they opposed the American Rescue Plan en masse — and then went out to promote its benefits.” 3

    The Party of Death

    Republican Governors have no interest in the welfare of the residents of their states. The Governors have to tools to save lives, but they keep insisting that “individual freedom” is the real issue rather than the health of their constituents.

    “… Or would it be Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward? In August, she promoted the suggestion that a business requiring its employees to be vaccinated against a highly contagious virus is the same as the Nazis requiring Jews to wear the yellow Star of David. And the winner is … Kelly Townsend.” 4 Note: Apparently Kelly Townsend doesn’t care that the government in Texas is controlling a women’s uterus. Should every women in Texas wear a Star of David on their uterus?

    The Party that Hates Women

    “This election cycle more women are running for the Texas House than ever before and if, as predicted, many of them win, there will be more women holding office in the Texas House than at any time in history. The majority of those women will be Democrats.” 5

    The news cycle says it all. Just see what is happening with the abortion ban in Texas.

    The Party that Hates Blacks, Hispanics and Minorities

    “Four years ago, an unlikely candidate rose to fame and revived the huge political division in American history. His name is Donald Trump. After Mr. Trump’s election, black Americans further alienated themselves from the Republican Party. However, the number of conservative African-Americans who choose to ally with the Democratic Party is astonishing.” 6

    “At first blush, black voters appear to be an almost monolithically Democratic bloc. In 2016, black Americans cast 24 percent of Democratic primary votes — the largest share ever. And in the general election, 89 percent of black voters supported Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. That’s one of the reasons why South Carolina’s primary on Feb. 29 is seen as a bellwether for the Democratic field — if a candidate can’t win a state where a majority of Democratic primary voters are black, what does that mean for his or her candidacy going forward?” 7

    The party of Old White Males Preaching Suprematism.

    “Women have seen gains in the Legislature in recent years, but their underrepresentation is underscored by how marginal those gains have been.” 8

    Membership Statistics for the 87th Legislature. Male: 111; Femail:38. 9

  • Art Fettig and Greg Brayton: Pathetic?

    Art Fettig and Greg Brayton: Pathetic?

    Art Fettig and Great Brayton - Comedy Team
    Art Fettig and Great Brayton - Comedy Team

    The Newest, Hottest, Funniest Performing and Recording Team to Hit the U.S. Since the Smothers Brothers!

    Songs for Pathetic Lovers

    You’re the most pathetic person that I have ever met!” Who else but humorist, Art Fettig could tum that line into a love song? And who but super musician Greg Brayton and his two pathetic lovers, Billy Dean and Baby Jean, could make being pathetic a step up on the social register?

    Two Pathetic Lovers is the lead song for their new CD titled Songs for Pathetic Lovers. That combination of Fettig’s songs and Brayton’s outrageous renditions bring you an album that will appeal to anyone who enjoys a gut-level laugh with a tear or two thrown in for good measure.

    (c) 1997 Growth Unlimited Inc. – Distributed by Connert Media LLC (previously Infomedia Inc.)
    All Rights Reserved

    Index of Songs
