Category: Home

  • We Wake Up Every Day To A New Beginning by Ross Reck


    Each day is a new beginning–a chance to start off fresh and new with a clean slate.  Whatever happened yesterday is behind us and will stay there, but we have the opportunity to make today what it will become.  What we make of each new day depends on our attitude which we get to choose.  If we choose to greet each new day with a positive attitude; those days will be filled with exciting adventures and pleasant surprises.  On the other hand, if we choose a negative attitude, the hills we have to climb will seem steep instead of gradual and the glasses set in front of us will seem half-empty rather than half-full.  Each day we all wake up to the first day of the rest of our live.  If we want to make the most out of each of these days, we need to greet them with a positive attitude.

  • Being Nice Gives You A Real Advantage by Ross Reck

    Friendly and Nice

    There are a number of people who view being nice as a liability when it comes to their personal and professional success.  Some say, “If you’re nice, people will take advantage of you.”  Others say, “If you’re nice, you’ll be seen as being weak.”  Recent research studies, however, have shown that just the opposite is true.  In a study published in the March, 2009 issue of the Journal of Product Innovation Management, researchers found that managers who treated their employees with kindness, respect and fairness got far better performance from them than managers who didn’t.  Other studies show that nice people are happier, healthier, more optimistic and make more money than their not so nice counterparts.  So, make it a point to smile and say or do something that brightens the day of everyone you come into contact with.  If you do this for one week, you’ll be amazed at how much your life changes for the better.

  • Medicine Man: The Stan Brock Story

    British-born Amazonian cowboy turned US TV star, Stan Brock, sacrificed fame and wealth to bring free healthcare to America. His life both embodies and confronts one of the biggest social issues of our time; the US healthcare crisis.

    A timeless documentary adventure recounting the incredible life story of British-born Amazonian cowboy turned US TV star, Stan Brock, who sacrificed everything to bring free healthcare to people in need. At once a heart-warming tribute to the unifying power of volunteerism, and an exploration of a perennial outsider’s search for meaning through giving of himself. This film is a challenging and inspirational tale of an unlikely man on an improbable yet unwavering mission to unite a nation and resolve one of the biggest social issues of our time; the US healthcare crisis. 1

    OFFICIAL TRAILER | Medicine Man: The Stan Brock Story from Paul Michael Angell on Vimeo.


  • Ross Reck: Having Lots of Friends Leads to a Longer Life


    A study at Brigham Young University, which was reported in the journal PLOS Medicine, found that our personal relationships are among the “short list” of factors that predict our odds of living or dying. The study authored by BYU professors Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Timothy Smith and J. Bradley Layton found that people with adequate social relationships—friends, family, neighbors, or colleagues—have a 50 percent greater likelihood of survival compared to those with poor or insufficient relationships. Here is how low social interaction compares to some of the more well-known mortality risk factors:

    • Equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day
    • Equivalent to being an alcoholic
    • More harmful than not exercising
    • Twice as harmful as obesity

    This is enlightening evidence regarding the value of developing and maintaining personal friendships. While doing so requires some time and effort, as you can see from a longevity standpoint, it’s worth it. On top of that, our relationships enrich our lives and make journey through life more enjoyable.

  • Cult or Religion: Happy Science

    Happy Science - Cult or Religion
    Tokyo Shoshinkan Monastery

    Most religious professionals classify Happy Science as a cult. Happy Science itself obviously disagrees.

    You be the judge by reviewing their official website, videos from investigative organizations and news articles.


    Investigative Reports and Responses

    Happy Science’s response from their website: Uncovering the false claims by VICE